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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. The best part of all of this. I like that Apple is pretending it moderates the content of apps within its store. It's as if Reddit doesn't have an iOS app.
  2. I use to work at a security company and I remember how laughable some of Apple's decisions were. Like the way iPhones had a habit of automatically connecting to any open wireless network and broadcasting their info to see if it was a free and/or public hotspot. Best part? I worked for that company like six years ago. We informed Apple. The issue had literally only gotten worse... This ‘Magical Bug’ Exposed Any iPhone in a Hacker's Wi-Fi Range | WIRED WWW.WIRED.COM A Google researcher found flaws in Apple's AWDL protocol that would have allowed for a complete device takeover. So yeah. I don't believe for a second that Apple is as forthcoming about security breaches as they would like people to think.
  3. This sounds about right. That's a damn good deal for Sony. I would think that the vast majority of Playstation owners aren't going to be ditching their consoles for PC ports. This is residually true if Sony isn't print to PC until years after release on console, like the three year has for Horizon Zero Dawn. I don't buy the entertainment device angle. That one doesn't make sense because the restrictions here are entirely arbitrary. However, the "we need our cut to subsidize hardware while Apple is profiting on hardware sales" is very compelling. Apple wanting Microsoft to prove it sells their consoles either at cost of at a loss, even late into its lifespan, makes sense. That just seems like a gamble based on what we know about consoles.
  4. Some stuff doesn't get attention from sites like this one or in our general circles on social media, but that didn't mean people aren't watching and talking. The biggest TV series from Netflix last year were Bridgerton, The Queen's Gambit, and Emily in Paris. Quiz time: Who here had watched Netflix's most popular movie last year? It was the Polish 50 Shades-like 365 Days. It beat out the likes of Old Guard, The Social Dilemma, Project Power or even those shitty Adam Sandler movies that I assume Netflix loves because everyone watches them.
  5. Here's a great piece to add some sexism to our little thread about racism... Why Black Women Are Often Missing From Conversations About Police Violence | FiveThirtyEight FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM When Lajuana Phillips was shot and killed by a police officer in late 2018, she was a mother of three children, a daughter and a cousin who was described by fam…
  6. A lot of that comes down to who you're listening to or who do you expect to be talking about these movies. Many movie critics and sites like Reddit are filled with guys and target audiences that Captain Marvel didn't generally target. Awesome fire and glory and fucking heavy metal out a flaming guitar Mad Max totally strikes right at that same target audience and so garners a lot more talk in those same circles. Bridgerton is the biggest thing Netflix has ever done and there isn't even a thread for the series in this site. Reddit has multiple subreddits for Falcon and the Winter Soldier that are larger than anything for Bridgerton in spite of Bridgerton being watched by nearly 8 time as many people.
  7. It absolutely did. Captain Marvel made a ton of money and walked away with an A Cinemascore. It was well liked among everyone other than Gamergate-types that hate Brie Larson. Just watch the same thing happen with Aquaman 2 and Amber Heard.
  8. That's America for you. There's a reason we refuse to jump on the CRC. We need to be able to try children as adults and hand out more punitive punishments to teens than other countries do to adult offenders.
  9. Sweet. This is finally happening. Tried sourcing some drives for a few servers and they're all backordered months. Every vendor is blaming shortages from Chinese cryptominors.
  10. The latter isn't really true, though. That could be better summarized as wealthier immigrants have better educational achievements which couldn't be more obvious of a statement. Like nobody should really believe the numbers that come out of China... China is No. 1 on PISA — but here’s why its test scores are hard to believe - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM An expert examined PISA results going back years. Here’s what he found. Once you account for that, you end up with a random smattering of countries with strong education systems around the globe from Singapore to Estonia. Asians in the US have a higher average salary than their European or Latin American counterparts. Why? Again, immigrating to the US from the opposite side of the globe is expensive and complicated, so yeah, wealthier immigrants tend to do better in this country than less wealthy immigrants. Put another way, rich people find it easier to succeed in the US out anywhere. Tune in next time for more shocking news.
  11. They bigger issue with the Asian thing is that it treats an entire continent of VERY different peoples as a monolith and that keeps it in the realm of racism. That's how you end up with something like Indians aren't really Asians in the equation here, even if they're like a third of all Asians. It also ignore things like "Hey, it's really expensive to fly and relocate to the US from South Korea, so anyone that does is already ahead of the game compared to most others immigrants." Either way, I think this dude goes over the subject best... In the end, any stereotypes, even if they are perceived to come from a good place removes the individuality of that person and in doing so is racist.
  12. It's going to happen one way or the other, right? None of the stimulus checks were enough to dig people out of their holes and for families, the child tax check don't start hitting until later this summer.
  13. Hey, looks like more houses and apartments may be coming back onto the market sooner than expected... Federal judge overturns national eviction ban WWW.CNBC.COM A federal judge struck down on Wednesday the national eviction moratorium, potentially leaving millions of Americans at risk of losing their homes.
  14. That's exactly it. My wife had a few failed pregnancies before our first, but needed a DNC for one where she was some 18 weeks along. Our insurance was willing to cover medication to induce an abortion, but not the the procedure itself since it wasn't life threatening. Nothing like hearing from the insurance that you either pay for it all out of pocket or go home with some pills and wait anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks...if the pills actually do their thing. I told the hospital to schedule the surgery for as soon as possible and just bill me for the costs. That doesn't even cover the costs of the all the ultrasounds and tests she went through in the preceding weeks as doctors tried to see if the pregnancy was salvageable. Anyone that thinks or current system is great is either wealthy or has lived a wildly lucky/comfortable life.
  15. He just turned 5 in December. He's been a skinny twig since the surgery and can't gain weight, but he's healthy and fine in every other sense. I guess that's what happens when you have to cut a chunk out of a newborn's gastrointestinal track. It'll catch up to him. He can finally eat like a small monster, but he'll never catch up to his sisters. He'll likely forever have his growth stunted. My wife and I are really short, so he was already working with poor stock. Like, my 3yo is in the 100th percentile for weight and 90th for height and is a chunk of pure muscle. She's already outgrowing 6yo clothes, so my son is doomed. It's a little scary since she's autistic, but she's super sweet so fingers crossed. I hope nobody tries to bully her when she gets older because she won't know not to stomp on fools. My wife and I make fairly good money for anywhere else in the US, and above average for Massachusetts. We're doing...fine. Our credit took a nasty hit thanks to all that medical debt, that we finally almost dug out of until COVID hit. Nothing like losing half your income for a year. Can't complain too much. Working for a government contractor does have its perks. The Army doesn't cut back on expenses when the rest of the government is trying to hold the economy together.
  16. I'm first gen Puerto Rican. I know SO many brown conservatives. They all think Republicans like them because they're socially conservative and not immigrants. It's hilarious because Republicans barely even acknowledge the island as part of the US.
  17. I've never not had health insurance as an adult. It's really cool that I still got saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of debt after my child. First there was a miscarriage that the insurance didn't really cover because just waiting to naturally abort at home on a toilet is cheaper and then she nearly died after being in labor for a week. That was all pretty cool. I'm not even getting into the life saving surgery my son needed at less than a month old that left us even more in debt. Best part? Since he was so young they put us up in the children cancer ward which was a very nice wing of the hospital...and also apparently charges way more. That was all really cool. At least he was born in late December so he counted as a tax break for the entire year
  18. It's ok. Trump has his new social media site that's just a fake Twitter blog and all his acolytes are just going to share all his posts from there to Twitter and Facebook. Donald Trump’s ‘social media platform’ has launched and it’s just a blog WWW.THEVERGE.COM Does the like button work yet? Twitter has already said they'll allow it, so I doubt Facebook is going to deny Trump.
  19. 100% bullshit. This guy is basically Q for alt right Star Wars nerds. Someone tell me why I'm wrong.
  20. Supposedly the business owner. In other words, nobody. It'll never happen. This is one of those cases where if the guy can't pay, the state should foot the bill and then garnish his wages to recoup the costs from now until the day he dies.
  21. Facebook and Instagram notices in iOS apps tell users tracking helps keep them ‘free of charge’ WWW.THEVERGE.COM Facebook has been a vocal critic of iOS 14 privacy rules
  22. Yes and no. Yeah, physics makes it hard, but we don't know how hard. I mean optics in phones are also equally constrained by and those have seen some wild improvements because people care. Even then, if most people don't care about the speakers in their phones, even fewer care about the quality of the microphones. That makes most videos recorded on phones sound like shit
  23. How about some actual slavery for a change of pace? Black Man Enslaved by White Boss for 5 Years Entitled to $546,000 in Restitution Payment, Court Rules PEOPLE.COM A Black man who was enslaved by his white boss from 2009 to 2014 has been awarded $546,000 in restitution for unpaid wages Monster in human skin took advantage of a mentally disabled man and forced him to work for free while beating him whenever the guy didn't work fast enough. Now we know what the punishment for slavery is in the US today, 10 years in prison and $500k in back wages. That... doesn't seem like nearly enough.
  24. That's the same thing I was thinking. I know people like to shit on Epic, but those numbers seem fine, great actually. That comes out to, what? $16.59 per paying customer? Is my math right? Someone correct me. Either way, that just tells me that more gaming stores should be giving away older games all the time...except maybe Steam. I can't imagine they have much room for growth that's within their control.
  25. Am I the only one that doesn't think those are terrible user acquisition numbers? $2.37 power user isn't terrible. Yeah, most folks aren't buying anything, but that's not a terribly high number to try to make up for. Seems free weekly games isn't much of a loss leader for them, so all their actual losses must be going into securing exclusives.
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