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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I don't know. The entire purpose of Studio Gaga was so he could take a step back, take care of his health, and not be stuck drawing so much. They've got his drawing style down. Check out Duranki. I don't think Miura drew a single panel.
  2. Ha, yeah, that was awful. That means we're mostly on the same page. I can envision where he wanted to leave us based on the last few chapters. We've known he was having issues with his health for a while now. It wouldn't be impossible to pick up the pieces and finish it, assuming Miura left notes with the rest of Studio Gaga.
  3. The only peace will be from a single state where both governments are dissolved and everything starts getting scratch with both Israelis and Palestinians being held as equals in the law and within government. I don't know if what's currently in place can actually be fixed. That kind of broken can very rarely, if ever, be fixed from within.
  4. Younger girls, like the kind that walk into the Disney Store, see the Captain Marvel onsie pajamas and beg their parents to buy one. The marketing featured her growing up to be a super hero, from her younger days while also introducing us to another young girl (Monica) that also wants to grow up to become a super hero...and does. Add to this that the next entry in the series will also feature a teenage Miss Marvel who literally names herself after the super hero she wants to grow up to be.
  5. I don't think he was looking to end things all grimdark. My prediction for a number of years has been that Guts dies/becomes a god, most world governments fall, and a LOT of civilians die. However, in the end all the non-demonic species, including humans, all learn to coexist in peace.
  6. I often wonder what a GoT-style adaptation of Berserk would look like. I'm with you. No flashback up front, just start with young Guts being recruited to the Hawk.
  7. Yes, I wouldn't actually use them. I know some people around here do. I was mostly coming at it from a who do you trust with your data side of things. I have no worries about Webull being a Chinese app. If the Chinese government wanted data on me, they could easily get it without trying to convince me to sign up for a trading app.
  8. I don't know if I would trust any pure exchanges with this stuff other like Coinbase. Otherwise, you're better off using like Robinhood or Webull.
  9. If anyone wanted to know how off the deep end Depp has gone, he's now suing the ACLU to try to prove that Heard isn't as charitably as she claims to be. Johnny Depp Asks Court to Order ACLU Show Proof That Amber Heard Donated Her Divorce Settlement PEOPLE.COM Johnny Depp continues to claim that Amber Heard hasn't donated the $7 million divorce settlement, which her lawyers say she pledged over 10 years
  10. The Ikari team has already been in a Metal Slug game, but I wouldn't be mad if they brought some original Metal Slug characters into KoF. Ikari Warriors isn't exactly a fighter or brawler, so it wouldn't be a break from character norms.
  11. Oh no. This is another one that hits me pretty hard. I've been reading Berserk for well over twenty years now. That is way too young. This sucks in the same Satoshi Kon's death came out of nowhere and left a void in the industry. Now this has got me thinking about other mangaka like Eiichiro Oda of One Piece and George Morikawa of Hajime no Ippo. Berserk has been running since the '89. That's a crazy long time for single serialized comic. This sucks. Not just because the series may never come to a clean end, but because he was also one of the greatest artists out there. He managed to get through the 90s unscathed while the rest of the American comic and Japanese manga world got weird. One Piece totally falls under the weird 90s stuff. Early One Piece is weird. Fight me. Current One Piece is still weird, but that's besides the point.
  12. My dog is the worst. She won't start barking until some 30 seconds after the ringing stops. She apparently like giving invaders enough time to actually come in and close the door behind them before voicing her displeasure.
  13. The best part is that the fun doesn't end there. The hours I've spent hunched over my wife while we both work to undo the braids. It's something else. That reminds me, there's this fantastic sketch in the third episode of A Black Lady Sketch Show's second season about a dude that has a kink for women halfway out of their weave. It's so good. I wish HBO had it up YouTube. That show is sometimes brilliant.
  14. He absolutely does. I was actually able to follow everything he was talking about. Either way, everything he talks about here is true and sucks. I've bitched about hair issues my wife and daughters have dealt with before around here plenty of times. My wife FINALLY found a hair dresser she likes and can actually do her hair and keep it natural. It's a full hour drive away. She went through the same experience of calling up stylist after stylist looking for something, anything. For a while, she was going to my barber because finding a barber that knows how to do natural hair on men is easy easier than it is for women, go figure. Fun fact, John Oliver is right, braiding hair totally takes a long time. First time my wife visit her new stylist she wound up having to give her a ride home because the buses were shut down for the day. I think it took a good four or five hours. That's better than the previous terrible braid job she got that took twice as long. Yeah, that's right, imagine sitting in a chair like that for 8-10 hours.
  15. Good Hair is on Netflix. It touches on the same subject. I really do hope we're in a better place 10-15 years from now when my youngest is ending the work place with her natural hair that will start up in a ponytail, even after your remove the hair ties. I have to give his writers a hand for allowing him to talk about black hair and not sound stupid. There were definitely some black folk among the writers.
  16. My wife was a in home therapist and the pandemic pretty much broke that. Between clients that refused remote services and others that refused to wear masks in their own home, it was just too much. She quit, worked on getting her teaching licenses and does that now because our local district was fully remote. There's no going back. She'll never work in the career she was pushing toward pre-pandemic. Amusingly, her sister is now doing the in home therapist thing because for her, that was less stressful than working in a hospital. It's very easy to believe that a lot of people didn't just sit on their asses during quarantine eating Cheetos and playing Animal Crossing.
  17. Well, if anyone was worried about health insurance companies going out of business, I guess we've got a good replacement. I guess party buses can be the next business that needs mass shooting insurance. 2 Dead, Multiple People Injured After Party Bus Is Shot Up in Oakland: Police WWW.NBCBAYAREA.COM At least two people were killed and multiple people were injured after a party bus was shot up in Oakland overnight Tuesday, according to police. I also didn't realize Sunday was such a busy day. Six mass shootings, including three in Georgia alone. All together, 3 dead and 27 injured. I guess Sundays are busy days for mass shooters. The 9th also had six mass shootings, including the Colorado Springs shooting. That makes it 11 dead that day along with 22 injuries injured.
  18. I already said you were absolutely right about that. I'm just saying the fact that it will help those working on minimum wage, even if it were only a million or so Americans, and even if it doesn't move the larger needle much is worth the effort for those it will help. Beside, New Hampshire is a small state that affords people the option of traveling out of state for higher wages which raises all wages within the state. Compare that to poverty rates in a larger state with fewer opportunities to commute out of state like Texas. The cost of living down south is succinate less than in Massachusetts while Texans also don't have the chance to commute out of state in search of higher wages due to sheer logistics of size. With a $7.25 minimum wage Texas has one of the worst poverty rates in the country. There are a lot of things that should be taken into account here. California is also huge and difficult to commute out of. They have a pretty middle of the road poverty rate, but their cost of living is similar in scale to the difference between Massachusetts and Texas. Yeah, poverty, minimum wage, and real wages aren't exactly linked, but who cares when it helps people on the margins? The effect on businesses is negligible. It's $13.50 here in Massachusetts. We still somehow manage to have Dunkin Donuts that are in business and small mom and pop donut shops that do just fine.
  19. Massachusetts also has a much higher cost of living compared to New Hampshire. New Hampshire also has more than 10% of their workforce work out of state in either Massachusetts or Maine. There's a reason Massachusetts was looking into taxing employees that were now 100% remote and from out of state. It's not an insignificant number. It's also not like Massachusetts is very bad in this regard. We have one if the lowest poverty rates in the country. New Hampshire is surrounded by states with higher minimum wages worth no good public transportation, which cause companies like McDonald's to pay their workers above minimum wage to keep them from jumping the border. Any McDonald's north of the border from here is paying $10-12/hr, not $7.25. That's not our of the goodness of McDonald's heart. That's because that lines up with the rest of New England, outside of Massachusetts.
  20. They can. I'm just saying that relying on the Apple faithful to drive subscription rates with a catalog of unfamiliar and new content is a hard sell. There's a reason new platforms like Disney+ and HBO Max, as poorly run as HBO is, highlight classic content. They both went with guns explicitly designed to show that they offer up your existing favorites and new content. Amazon is a mess and I refuse to believe anyone subscribes to Prime Video as anything more than an accidental Prime extra. Netflix can focused on new stuff because they're well enough entrenched.
  21. Yeah, but that's neither here nor there. What you're saying is absolutely true. Productivity and value has risen while wages stagnate, incredibly so when up against inflation. But like the lowest on the totem pole also totally deserve more than $7.25. Does it change the math much? No. Does it help the like million or so people working for wages below the poverty line? Does it also potentially reverbiate into other jobs that were above minimum wage, but now would look bad being actual minimum wage jobs? Possibly. Totally worth the effort, though.
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