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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I'd be down for a Cold War, finding of SHIELD movie with a Chris Evans that's totally not Steve Rogers, but some other super soldier working under a different alias.
  2. Cool, the French Open says they handled this situation well... French Open organizers say they took 'pragmatic' stance with Naomi Osaka WWW.ESPN.COM French Open organizers say they took a "pragmatic" approach in their dealings with Naomi Osaka earlier in the tournament, insisting they tried to engage with her several times before she decided to...
  3. Yeah, but it's also kind of overwhelming with so many games on display. The ones that most caught my attention are... That's more than I was expecting to list.
  4. This year's major Wholesome Direct just wrapped up and I didn't see it posted already... If you've never seen one of their directs, it's mostly just a showcase of literally wholesome, new and upcoming indie games. That's mostly nice games, cute games, or games that don't really focus on combat. Everyone running these directs always seem way happier about what they're working on than the other showcases popping up right now. Some really great looking games here.
  5. I will believe any rumor that includes WB Interactive shedding some of its studios. That covers three of the rumors here.
  6. I keep wondering if Kang is going to show up in this and then I remember Jonathan Majors was cast to play him and it makes me sad knowing they likely won't introduce a major film villain in this TV series. I'd love to be wrong, though.
  7. I did the same, only I haven't actually beaten it yet. I wound up getting sidetracked by games I can play with my kids watching. Oh well, I hope more people pick it up and don't do something silly like refuse a game like Control because it's on the EGS. It's pretty damn great so far. I think I'm done 6 or 7 chapters in.
  8. I would be a bold face liar of I said I never did that, but it was mostly for feeding times and never left out of arm's reach.
  9. Talking to my wife and I figured this would be a good magical girl follow-up to the Sailor Moon Eternal movie we just watched. Netflix is really cornering the market on magical girl anime.
  10. I was trying to figure out how I even knew this game existed and then I remembered...
  11. It really is. The overtime scams I've seen are "off duty" cops covering clubs and getting paid overtime plus whatever they're making from those clubs. There's the great directing traffic around Comcast trucks that are ALWAYS overtime, no matter how many hours they've actually worked that week. I mean everything is considered overtime. Driving out of your district to help out with a traffic stop? Overtime. Scary black dude you pulled over? We need five cars and everyone is getting overtime for this. I didn't even know any of this was a secret or at least supposed to be.
  12. Yeah, I've never not known of a time when cops didn't abuse overtime in this state, and especially in Boston. I have zero idea why this is only picking up steam right now. I can only guess that police budgets have been getting more scrutiny lately. That chief out of Methuen pulling in $300k+/yr probably wasn't helping.
  13. I often bitch about the language the press uses when it comes to police shootings, but this mangled jumble of words is something else. Let me see if I have this right. Two retired cops saw a fight between a 33yo and an 86yo. While trying to break it up, one of the retired cops pulled out his gun and shot the 33yo in the arm and killed his buddy. The 33yo is now on the hook for negligent homicide and manslaughter for the death of the retired cop that was killed by friendly fire plus assault for his role in the fight with the 86yo. Cool.
  14. Anyone remember that story from earlier this year about surveillance video showing a Member of Oregon's House allowing protestors into the building which leads to a short fight with cops? Looks like the Republican representative literally planned the entire thing. Seems like hec calledit Operation Hall Pass. Oregon Republicans call on GOP state lawmaker to resign after video shows him appearing to tell protesters how to enter closed state Capitol WWW.CNN.COM Republican members of Oregon's House of Representatives have called on an embattled member of their caucus to resign after newly surfaced video showed him appearing to give protesters insights...
  15. Not weird, but shitty. I had a CIO ask me to delete an email the CEO sent it to a bunch of folks...while we were in the middle of a lawsuit...while being publicly traded. I think I was the third he asked.
  16. Synergy works great for just that. The only problem being that it worked over IP. These days if I do need such functionality, and I rarely do, I just use the Logitech Flow. Flow seems to work better than Synergy between Mac and PC, but I don't know if Flow supports iPadOS.
  17. Venus did not hold back when asked how she deals with the press...
  18. Not quite, he asked for directions and then the guy came out with a shotgun pointed in his face. Kid ran away and the guy tried to shoot him in the back, but missed. Michigan man who shot at black teen on front porch found guilty WWW.CBSNEWS.COM The 14-year-old missed the school bus and walked up to the house to ask for directions. The homeowner grabbed his gun Kids get shot through doors all the time, though... A teenager was shot and killed after knocking on the wrong door WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM The homeowner shot the teen in the abdomen. Renisha McBride Killer Gets Minimum of 17 Years in Prison WWW.NBCNEWS.COM A suburban Detroit man was sentenced to a minimum of 17 years in prison for the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old woman on his porch last November.
  19. Thinking about old PS2-era JRPGs, I can't be the only one that likes Shadow Hearts, right? I really liked their battle engine. I think the devs that made them went under, though. They cranked out like three or four of those in a pretty short span of time.
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