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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. It does in fact no longer run off the page but did you just severely dial down max width for all embeded content? Look at the OP of that thread for example, it seems like the Youtube video could be the same width as the quote box above it, instead it's ~50% as wide.
  2. Wouldn't that be the SNES theme doe.
  3. Mobile notifications on both Playstation and Xbox.
  4. GIF I posted here runs off the side of the page on Xbox mobile.
  5. I used to be @Nokra and then the fucker camped the name.
  6. P.S. Praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster, quote-tweet embedding is working properly for me now. ?
  7. I'm still gonna go back to Retro when it's ready, but Playstation and Xbox are both looking like nice alternatives until then.
  8. Was the Day One Patch graphics logo at the top always this big? I feel like there's an undue amount of vertical space being taken up here:
  9. I'm seeing reports of massive voter fraud going on, but if he's stuffing the ballot boxes then why is he bothering to declare victory with 53% of the vote? These types aren't generally known for caring about presenting plausible election margins.
  10. My point wasn't about all the abandoned accounts though. Most people aren't going to have strong preferences about this kind of thing, and thus it will never even occur to them to see if it's a setting that can be changed as long as nothing about the default is actively objectionable to them.
  11. From an organizational standpoint there was also just a lot of cruft, and other stuff where nobody really remembered who set something a certain way (or why they did), that was the cumulative result of the site ownership/management changing hands multiple times, and we were kind of stuck just trying not to break any of it. Look at what happened when Wade tried to consolidate the gaming boards for example, that wasn't exactly a good sign for the underlying health of the site. Plus the fact that the very DIY nature of the Dreamhost setup made more sense for people like niggles and kyio who do that kind of webdev stuff for work. This was certainly a good excuse to start fresh on that end plus get us over to a host who can actually help us maintain the IPB software end of things--it wouldn't have even occurred to me to look into whether Invision offers hosting if we hadn't gotten to the point of having to seriously consider the possibility of needing to completely start over.
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