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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. "We know it's racist because he told us but if he hadn't told us it'd have been legal! Plus, look, he tweaked it slightly so that's TOTALLY different!"
  2. I mean, if you're taking it for something as serious as seizures, it's perfectly reasonable to want your CBD medicine to have more quality control than you can count on consistently getting from a pot shop.
  3. The DEA is expected to change CBD scheduling within 90 days. Watch them only bump it down to Schedule II despite the fact that you can't get high off it.
  4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2018/06/25/rigged-supreme-court-upholds-rigged-republican-electoral-maps/
  5. Why won't the liberulz be civil doe? ? Trump supporter berates landscapers because they're 'Mexican,' calls them 'rapists and animals'
  6. A big part of the problem for European countries is that they expect you to completely drop your old identity and become simply French, or German, or whatever—they don't really have an analog of hyphenated-Americans. Whereas as long as you can interact with society properly while you're out in public we don't really care if you still retain large parts of your old identity.
  7. So help me god I'll pull a Paul and consolidate EVERYTHING into a Cars Board!
  8. Ana left so we don't need that board.
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