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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. If anyone is gonna remind everyone that Jews aren't actually white it's Y'all Qaeda.
  2. The next time a gay wedding cake case comes up SCOTUS will say it's okay to shoot the homos in self-defense for daring to darken your doorstep.
  3. "If it triggers the libs that the president just grabbed me by my pussy then that's good enough for me!"
  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-manafort/manafort-had-10-million-loan-from-russian-oligarch-court-filing-idUSKBN1JN2YF
  5. Huge difference in terms of what you expect if you live in a free society between not wanting to serve gay people and being able to tell a government official to get out of your restaurant without her using her official account to sic the goon squad on you.
  6. And let's not act like it's news that there are distinct legal treatments for politicians/government officials and regular private citizens.
  7. Tennessee Hero Deputy Charged After Videos Show Him Tasing Teen Tied to Chair
  8. Instead his legacy will be looking at Trump and thinking, "Yup, this is the guy I want picking my replacement."
  9. I like how we're all just glossing over the fact that McCain camping his seat despite being unable to show up demonstrates what a partisan hack The Maverick™ actually is.
  10. Actually this is true, I can very easily see McConnell dragging it out while the GOP goes into full-force lying that the Democrats are obstructing the nomination as a way to try to energize the base into showing up to vote.
  11. BTW Komusha's use of the guillotine here is the case-in-point of why we shouldn't have made it a +1 @SFLUFAN.
  12. Of course he is. Gotta rush this through just in case they lose the Senate.
  13. Manchin and McCaskill will vote yet and Chuck and Nancy will call for civility and norms.
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