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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Yup. And he's having an in-person performance review with Putin on July 16. That's when we're gonna leave NATO isn't it.
  2. In case it's of interest, I'm pretty sure it's possible to merge accounts together. I haven't poked at it but I'd assume it's like threads where you have to start with the one you want to keep and then merge in the other one.
  3. http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-reportedly-is-joking-about-pulling-the-us-out-of-nato-2018-6?utm_source=reddit.com
  4. It would somehow not shock me if he's a closet Deadhead. It's just the right mix of counter-culture and unthreatening honkey for him.
  5. From October 2016: Sen. Maverick McCivil Says Republicans Will Block All Court Nominations If Clinton Wins
  6. As Jentleson was saying, if you have Democrats saying they'll vote for the replacement it takes the heat off the GOP. Whereas if you have 49 guaranteed no votes, and McCain isn't around, then it really puts the heat on McConnell to keep everyone in line. So basically by not locking down 49 you're guaranteeing that it'll be symbolic.
  7. I'm having trouble finding follow-up about this, but here's something from yesterday: http://www.news9.com/story/38512104/sq-788-advocacy-group-claims-ballots-being-withheld
  8. Apparently there was also fuckery with making people specifically request a second ballot to vote on this? If that's true I'm thinking what likely happened is that it backfired on them due to the side in favor of it being way more likely to care enough to request the second ballot.
  9. And a bunch of Democrats are going to make excuses for them selling us out to keep their seats. Despite the fact that having red-state Democrats who vote with you some of the time instead of Republicans who vote with you none of the time doesn't do any good if they've helped the GOP stack the court with justices who will just overturn their better votes anyhow.
  10. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/27/watchdog-closes-zinke-threat-probe-679488
  11. It could have been an antifa super soldier for all they knew.
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