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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I'm sure it's a real fucking mystery what he's gonna do while he's in Scotland.
  2. How can we lose when we lost the trade war decades ago?
  3. http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/07/06/2018070600907.html
  4. I don't use Playstation so if people miss it then whatever, but IIRC you previously said you couldn't figure out how to not have SOMETHING up there so letting this just continue may be desirable?
  5. https://apnews.com/38334c4d061e493fb108bd975b5a1a5d/AP-NewsBreak:-US-Army-quietly-discharging-immigrant-recruits
  6. Between the fact that they all used the same language and just basic knowledge about AP and Reuters, that's almost certainly the language they got from the relevant government agency. This administration is proving to be a great exercise in demonstrating how "just report the facts" leaves you prone to being hijacked to spread propaganda.
  7. My thought with the prefixes was that we only want/need to use them (and force them) on the forums where they're replacing what used to be subforums: Videogames, Entertainment, and Sports. In the case of something like the CEB where it's not replacing subforums I thought it'd be a step backward.
  8. He probably touches himself at night.
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