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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. All the former Gawker sites (Gizmodo, io9, etc) are getting hit by this too.
  2. Hey @Wild, if Stylish is what you're using to poke around at the CSS you should read this: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/07/stylish-extension-with-2m-downloads-banished-for-tracking-every-site-visit/
  3. You're in Arizona right? You might wanna start here: https://www.azica.gov/labor-wage-claims-main-page Either way you go, you definitely want to document everything. Ideally you can make copies of the relevant timecards/etc but writing everything down (even just writing an email detailing what you have so far and sending it to yourself, and then adding new information as it becomes available) would be a good fallback option for that, written contemporaneous records (emailing it to yourself is an easy way to get a timestamp trail) count for a lot more than you might think.
  4. Corn is just about the stupidest thing you can try to make biofuels out of.
  5. Yeah on longer flights I'll use the free hour first and then see if I feel like getting a pass for the remainder of the flight once it runs out. Most of the time I wind up doing so but it's still nice to at least potentially not need to.
  6. You don't actually have to be a T-Mobile customer to use it, you just have to know a valid T-Mobile number to put in. Going up to Seattle or Portland from LA it's about half the time you're in the air, so it's still a hell of a lot better than paying to be able to get 2 hours.
  7. I agree, but I found what I think is the relevant section of Texas law and that really does seem to be what is says (I'm including the misdemeanor stuff to provide some extra context for how they're gradating things): https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/penal-code/penal-sect-31-03.html
  8. http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/395814-gop-congressional-candidate-tells-parkland-father-to-stop-exploiting-his
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