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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Trump’s Supreme Court pick: ISPs have 1st Amendment right to block websites
  2. The real shame is that the legacy of slavery of Jim Crow has stuck us with "one man one vote".
  3. You can still set a max width and height, right? The real problem is just that by default it won't let you set the maxes separately.
  4. Shit, you're not joking. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/trumps-supreme-court-finalist-brett-kavanaugh-insists-indicting-president-cripple-federal-government/
  5. Given this: I would imagine that the issue is companies' like Nestle's really fucky history with things like actively discouraging breastfeeding in developing countries.
  6. And guy under criminal investigation likely to pick the key vote in letting him off the hook.
  7. I do suspect that the drug companies soak the US market for the profits they can't make in the rest of the world. It doesn't really work to be the only country that doesn't have any kind of price controls on drugs.
  8. AT&T warns HBO employees of a "tough" first year under AT&T ownership.
  9. Has anyone ever seen Boris and Donald in the same room? May is the one who lost seats by calling an election, not Corbyn.
  10. Fresh IPAs are good, it's too easy to wind up with IPAs that have been sitting too long unfortunately.
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