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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I won't claim to be an expert here but what my father explained to me about regular 401ks vs Roth IRAs is that you're basically making a bet about what tax bracket you'll be in upon retirement. And that if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket, do a Roth, and if you expect to at most stay in the same tax bracket, do a 401k...tax free upon entry isn't great if you'll be in a higher bracket. Hence why I suggested those online savings accounts as a less-awful way of keeping a liquid emergency fund handy.
  2. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-inflation-rates-20180713-story.html Anecdotally, I think the boost to my paycheck was 3.5%. But what's even better is if what I saw is correct the boost to our paychecks isn't really due to lower taxes, it's just due to lowered default withholdings. So if that's right then a bunch of people are gonna have a REALLY nasty shock in the spring when they see a much smaller refund, or even find themselves owing money. (Conveniently after the midterms, of course.)
  3. The main grouping is Gaming. Video games and Tabletop games are both types of gaming. PC games are a subset of video games, tabletop games aren't.
  4. Are you asking us to engage in reverse psychology on you?
  5. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-interview-cbs-news-european-union-is-a-foe-ahead-of-putin-meeting-in-helsinki-jeff-glor/
  6. They're sand people (and walk in single file to hide their numbers) so yeah probably. The boards have only ever allowed this word in historical context or quotes -GeneticBlueprint
  7. Fake news, Trumps have the best eye for clothing and apparel, it's in their superior genes.
  8. White Woman Calls Cops on California Man Chilling in His Car Listening to Yoga CD
  9. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/make-america-great-hats-double-price-us-tariffs/story?id=56566000
  10. Because Bitch McTurtle blackmailed Obama with "unless you declassify ALL the intelligence and make it public I'm gonna accuse you of trying to throw the election to Hillary". Which would have presumably meant getting people killed by revealing the identities of sources and agents.
  11. Because he thought Hillary was going to win and that what risked fucking it up for her was making it look like he was putting his thumb on the scale in her favor.
  12. Well either way, go to a place that does the hard part for you.
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