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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Are you saying fuck lox, or are you saying fuck cream cheese with lox diced into it?
  2. I mean, of course you can, it's just that in NYC you can go into any random pizza or bagel place and you're probably going to get something that would be above-average in most of the country, whereas in most of the country it's really easy to go into a random place and get something bad. You have to actually know where to go in most of the country.
  3. Oh, speaking of Retro things, I just got the pop-up notification for this that appears on the bottom of the screen, and it's all black. It says I have an notification from you, but it's black text on black background for everything else.
  4. Yeah, it's not a HUGE difference but before the font felt discernibly slightly bloated...it was hard to tell if there was too much whitespace, or the font was half a point too big, or what, but it was noticeable. One of those cases were a small difference makes a big difference in how it looks.
  5. On Dreamhost we had 1 TB of storage. Here we have only have 50 GB, so turning off image uploads was one of the first things I did. when we got back up and running. 50 GB may sound like a decent amount of storage but if we let everyone upload images directly then we could run into a problem down the line where our only real option would be to purge everything and break a ton of threads in the process. Get something like the Imgur app, their mobile site is shit but there's both official and third-party apps for uploading to it.
  6. Well, still do the rest of what I said, notes written at the time the problem occurred will count for something if you have to get a lawyer involved.
  7. Those are casseroles. Very tasty casseroles, to be sure, but casseroles. Not pizza.
  8. And even if you don't sue this time I'd also make sure to file away that text and any other available documentation (I know you said you can't make copies of the actual timecards or anything like that), along with notes about what happened this time. Again, writing it up as an email with a screenshot of the text and emailing everything to yourself should probably be sufficient. This way even if you don't lawyer up this time, if this happens again it'll help to have contemporaneous documentation showing that they have a history of failing to pay you on time.
  9. What's the timeline on getting the money out of the account? To me, one of the advantages of the online savings accounts I'm mentioning is that you have normal ACH access to the account, so if you REALLY needed to you could get money out of the account quicker than waiting for a cash-out or transfer or whatever to process.
  10. Five years ago it was definitely way too common to walk into a bar with a dozen draft lines and every single one would be an IPA or other hoppy style of beer. I've been very happy with goses becoming popular, both because I've had a longstanding like of gose and sour beer in general and because other than a couple of breweries that seem to want to specialize in sour beer, it doesn't seem to be completely taking over production capacity the way IPA did. The hazy/juicy Northeast IPAs also need to be consumed fresh even more than other types of IPA do, which I think has helped IPAs in general in terms of making sure that you're actually drinking fresh IPA. I remember what things were like before Stone started doing Enjoy By, it was way too common to find old/poorly-kept IPA on the shelf; and then Stone started doing Enjoy By and I realized that fresh IPA was actually interesting.
  11. @mikechorney Putting two carriage returns between paragraphs would do a lot to increase the readability of your long posts.
  12. I won't claim to be an expert here but what my father explained to me about regular 401ks vs Roth IRAs is that you're basically making a bet about what tax bracket you'll be in upon retirement. And that if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket, do a Roth, and if you expect to at most stay in the same tax bracket, do a 401k...tax free upon entry isn't great if you'll be in a higher bracket. Hence why I suggested those online savings accounts as a less-awful way of keeping a liquid emergency fund handy.
  13. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-inflation-rates-20180713-story.html Anecdotally, I think the boost to my paycheck was 3.5%. But what's even better is if what I saw is correct the boost to our paychecks isn't really due to lower taxes, it's just due to lowered default withholdings. So if that's right then a bunch of people are gonna have a REALLY nasty shock in the spring when they see a much smaller refund, or even find themselves owing money. (Conveniently after the midterms, of course.)
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