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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I've haven't picked that up in a few years but seeing it as a sixer of 12 oz bottles instead of just coming in bombers is exactly the right thing to get me buy some again.
  2. For a moment I was surprised that it's only the 11th season of the reboot, but I guess it makes sense that the year of specials isn't treated as a season.
  3. Amazingly enough this article is apparently less egregious about withholding all of the necessary context than even the origination newspaper's current article. Here's a NY Daily News article about this someone on Facebook linked (it's an MSN link but it as the NY Daily News logo at the top). That's basically just re-reporting a Las Vegas Review-Journal article about this that came out yesterday. That article, in turn, has this as its second paragraph: The link is to an article from November from the same publication titled Lawsuit filed on behalf of 450 Las Vegas shooting victims. Now I'm not necessarily blaming the Las Vegas Review-Journal for bad reporting, because fair enough that (I'm assuming) they didn't want to waste time or space retreading information they're figuring their readers already know about. If anything I wish more news reporting would just assume you're already knowledgeable and provide a link for those who aren't, instead of wasting half the article reestablishing everything every time. But anyhow if you don't know about the existing lawsuit(s) it reads like they're preemptively suing regarding theoretical future lawsuits, not in response in an actual lawsuit that's already been filed against them--so I'm guessing there's a lot of re-reporting of the article from yesterday where nobody bothered to click through to see where the "claims against MGM parties" link went.
  4. Probably because despite being one of the biggest fucking lunatics in this insane asylum of an administration, he's one of only a handful of them (including the KKKeebler Elf) who understands the normal(ish) ways to navigate government. Such as not going out and making a spectacle of yourself unless you're specifically told to do so, a la Colin Powell.
  5. And he's only had the job for three months. Posting the flaming Elmo gif in response to that bit of news feels way longer ago than that.
  6. If it helps, the headline kind of makes it sound like it's a preemptive lawsuit, but it's actually a countersuit.
  7. https://www.newsweek.com/mgm-sues-over-1000-las-vegas-shooting-victims-avoid-liability-massacre-1027695
  8. I mean, most of the design decisions are going to be things that won't get changed until the next time Air Force One is replaced, but it's easy enough to change the paintjob.
  9. https://www.thedailybeast.com/national-security-councils-intelligence-chief-is-leaving-as-john-bolton-cleans-house
  10. Because NYPD is so well-known for following instructions when told to stop arresting people for things, even when the thing they're arresting people for is actually legal. June 2007: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/19293933/ns/us_news-weird_news/t/nyc-pays-over-topless-arrest/ May 2013: http://www.businessinsider.com/nypd-dont-arrest-topless-women-2013-5 I'm pretty sure arrests for being legally topless didn't exactly come to a stop after that memo, either.
  11. Did you read anything other than the title before replying?
  12. You do realize that there's a fairly vocal minority of climate change deniers that's made up of engineers, right?
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