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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Yup, they're the morons voting for people on the basis of vapid bullshit like being willing to have a beer with the candidate.
  2. But on-screen controls are absolute ass. Something like Advance Wars makes a lot more sense since the nature of a game like that would very naturally lend itself to a touch-based interface (instead of using an on-screen facsimile of normal controls), even if they were overhauling the controls for an existing game as part of a port to mobile instead of just making a new one for mobile. Or on the flip side, while I'd still strongly prefer a new touch-based interface for Advance Wars, on-screen controls would still be a lot more tolerable for that kind of game...with something like a traditional Mario game, on-screen controls are a complete deal breaker for me.
  3. ^It's not worth accosting someone over parking in the handicapped spot unless you know for an absolute fact it's someone who doesn't need it and/or is a abusing a placard since you never know what the circumstances are, especially with people who may LOOK fine but have an issue that's invisible to observers. It's still not worth getting into an altercation over, but this is different considering it completely undermines the point of the spot. Especially if someone has already parked in the handicapped spot it can mean making it so that the handicapped person can't get back in their van due to having nowhere to extend the ramp out to.
  4. Is that Rivers Cuomo attempting to drum?
  5. The entire site is slower over the weekend. If we're a couple of days into the week and you still haven't gotten a lot of feedback, ping me and I'll move it to GG for you. As for the TV, hasn't HDR not settled on a universal standard yet? I'd personally be reluctant to buy a new TV until that happens, especially a $3,000 TV.
  6. Lips of Faith La Folie is great but I think I've only had it off draft...New Belgium's bottled stuff has always seemed off to me, though. Like with Fat Tire, it's hard to describe what I find wrong with it, but I've had people suggest that New Belgium's bottling process leads to a lot of their bottles suffering from a little bit of oxidation.
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/21/us/politics/carter-page-fisa.html I'm assuming that's what this tantrum is about:
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