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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. How salty are you that you lost your reputation score over that stupid hyphen?
  2. I considered putting this in the other thread since you know what color the guy is, but: Body Cam Shows Chicago Police Officer Shooting a Man in the Back
  3. When you put out on the first date and the sex is really, really awkward: Russia indicates that Putin would rather see Trump in a group setting next time
  4. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/26/us-turkey-sanctions-american-pastor-743486 Soooo...how would sanctioning a NATO ally work?
  5. "Never mind that Trump wants to make that functionally impossible!"
  6. @Emblazon doesn't count as "partially not" unless you're chewing...
  7. ‘Back to the Future’ Writer: Biff Tannen Is Based on Donald Trump
  8. I'm sure her response was just "which one, hopefully not one of the good ones?" Also, now I'm curious, is a Great Lakes yacht stuck on the Great Lakes or can you get it out to open water via the Erie Canal?
  9. Authorities investigating likelihood of multiple, hidden stashes of the deadly poison.
  10. "Fringe left" only in the US context of our two major political parties being what would count as center-right and far-right in basically any European country.
  11. One opinion from the Ars comments: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/07/leaked-benchmarks-show-intel-is-dropping-hyperthreading-from-i7-chips/?comments=1&post=35726105#comment-35726105
  12. We should rename this board to Outsourced Tech Support.
  13. A comment from the /r/bayarea discussion on this: There are also the people who make the food and do the other cafeteria work who'd lose their jobs over this.
  14. i7 chips will have 8 cores and 8 threads, leaving the 8 core/16 thread combination for the i9.
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