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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I like the berry flavor. And when I've had flavored seltzers from other companies it just tastes a little to blatantly flavored, if that makes sense. LaCroix's is more subtle, which I appreciate.
  2. Their flavoring is better than the store brand.
  3. And can feed four people, with a real possibility of leftovers depending on how hungry everyone is.
  4. Kim can't travel to America to give Trump his Nobel Peace Prize so they need to make a rocket capable of delivering it to CONUS.
  5. And someone responded with a link saying that it was in fact an intentional decision: https://www.inverse.com/article/47494-extinction-ending-explained-spoilers-ahead I get it, but you have to wait until pretty long into the movie to get to the twist, which means you're spending a lot of time sitting there through a relatively frustrating experience. It also kind of felt like the movie was trying to do a little too much at the moment they dropped the twist on you.
  6. The opening paragraph of this review is pretty damn spot-on, including what my thought process was when I got the email form Netflix about this movie on Saturday morning: https://io9.gizmodo.com/michael-penas-alien-invasion-movie-extinction-is-mostly-1827874725 And from February: https://io9.gizmodo.com/netflix-saves-scifi-film-extinction-from-well-extinct-1822844421 At one point I actually asked the person I was watching with if this was a Netflix Cloverfield movie. I'd say it's enjoyable enough if you want to watch it with someone and goof on the movie while you're watching it (that's what my viewing session turned into), but that you definitely shouldn't bother watching it by yourself. Also I was convinced Lizzy Caplan was Zooey Deschanel until I looked he movie up on IMDB.
  7. Trump repeats a claim that "you can't see" F-35 fighter even when it's right next to you.
  8. Is this report just assuming that employers would completely pocket what they're currently spending on insurance plans? Because if that's what they're doing...yeah. An obvious place to start would be to simply redirect the money employers are currently spending on insurance plans anyhow to the feds. I'm not having luck finding an overall estimate of what employers are spending on health insurance premiums every year but as a starting point: Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $18,764 this year, up 3% from last year, with workers on average paying $5,714 towards the cost of their coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Education Trust 2017 Employer Health Benefits Survey. So let's call that an average of $13k per employee per year on the part of employers. 49% of American "family units" are on employer-provided health insurance plans. Using a "family unit" of 3 (just a guess) 325 million people * 49% of families / 3 people per family ≈ 50 million. Times that by the $13k figure and you're looking at $650 billion per year just from the employer-paid portion of health insurance plans. Obviously this isn't the most rigorous attempt at ballparking this but even if I'm off by a factor of 10 that's still a very significant portion of the new federal revenue that would be needed.
  9. http://thehill.com/regulation/administration/399482-sessions-announces-religious-liberty-task-force
  10. Is it really a Rileying when I used the exact title?
  11. Also, regarding how the specific word "collusion" entered the conversation: https://www.lawfareblog.com/where-heck-did-term-collusion-come
  12. It seems like it doesn't even matter that it involved foreign nationals. It seems like Trumpworld is panicking over a pretty basic combination of this very-probable-seeming combination of facts: Trump knew about the meeting beforehand, and Trump knew that the purpose of the meeting was to obtain stolen documents. IANAL but I'm pretty sure that's literally all you need to rope in co-conspirators on RICO charges.
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