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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. https://www.ibtimes.com/child-dead-ice-detention-center-due-negligent-care-immigration-lawyer-2704521
  2. I'm not sure what's supposed to be so crazy about this. Since it's not done going through the appeals process, the judge is right that it would be too late to put the cat back in the bad if the plans were allowed to be released now and down the road it was decided that they shouldn't have been. The only crazy part is that I don't see this SCOTUS ruling against the guy/company so the main argument I see here is that he's simply delaying a very obviously inevitable outcome.
  3. Apparently Panasonic still sells TVs in Canada, but even if you live near the border that's not a great option since the warranties aren't valid outside of Canada.
  4. https://www.newsweek.com/us-historians-are-fighting-stop-ice-erasing-records-agencys-treatment-1049158
  5. I see. The part of it that I'm still surprised by is that they limit it to physical copies—I'd think it's cheaper for them to deliver a digital copy to you.
  6. Ah, I don't think I even realized Prime had the benefit until after they removed that, then. It's still a nice benefit for games I know I'm definitely getting, like Mario Odyssey for instance. But obviously I also felt Prime was worth it without the benefit, finding out about it was purely a bonus to me.
  7. The German beer scene is known for having become stagnant. Plus the Reiheinsgebot isn't really even a thing any more, imported beer can have whatever in it, and I think for beer brewed within Germany they just have to stick a label along the lines of "malt liquor" on it if it's not Reiheinsgebot-compliant.
  8. I'm fine with a coin toss by @osxmatt or just giving it to @SimpleG, I wasn't meaning to try to grab it out from under him.
  9. The GOP keeps whining (falsely) that Mueller is going past his mandate, when Starr had the same broad-reaching mandate—Starr's investigation started with Whitewater, and Clinton hadn't even met Lewinsky yet at the start of it.
  10. What makes you think the Amazon Prime discount on games has been getting less attractive, the restriction to physical copies?
  11. Butina Probe Predated Mueller, Grew Out Of Suspicious Money Transfers No wonder the NRA got really quiet after the news of her arrest broke.
  12. And it's created a situation where homeowners have basically started acting like an oligopolistic cartel.
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