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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. "Fake news is reporting that I'm concerned for Donald Trump Jr's well-being. Fake news, I've never heard of Donald Trump Jr, never met him."
  2. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/22564/97432/ And you've never seen a six pack ring like that?
  3. I don't feel like watching the whole video just to find this out: is that the one where he describes managing to briefly fool Stewart's wife on the phone before she realized it was him?
  4. Ted Cruz once observed a child traversing on wheeled shoes. Ted Cruz will work tirelessly to find out what this technology is called and demand the earth children turn its schematics over to Ted Cruz, forthwith.
  5. Were the Proud Boys engaging in violence as well or was it only antifa people engaging in violence? The cops may have gone over the top in handling things, but if only one group was trying to make things violent then, yeah, the cops are going to protect the other group. Now if there was violence and the cops just chose to protect the Proud Boys, then yeah, that's bullshit.
  6. Ghost's motivations weren't super compelling but Marvel movies have a history of weak villains, so I still thought it was an improvement to make the focus more about her as an antagonist than about a straight-up villain (obviously they had Sonny as an actual villain but he was clearly just there to move the plot along, with Ghost being the actual focus). Plus her motivations at least actually made sense, even if it was still kind of hard to care about them too much.
  7. They could do a good Trek movie if they were willing to make the movies under the assumption that the audience is up to date on the show(s). It would solve a lot of the problems with movie Trek to make the movies the action-packed payoff for events in the show. Like if one of the TNG movies had been about the Enterprise off on a critical Dominion War mission, or if we'd gotten Enterprise season 5 and Enterprise movies, doing an Enterprise movie that focuses on a key battle of the Earth-Romulan War. The action would work if there was a reason to care about it. Plus it's the kind of thing thing that might actually be better served getting to work with a movie budget anyhow. As a bonus it would probably take some of the strain off the TV budget, relieving them of the need to HAVE to do bottle episodes to even out the budget.
  8. Maybe she's the only one capable of steaming his pants while he's wearing them.
  9. While I'd like to see them get over this weird aversion they seem to have regarding going post-Voyager/Nemesis, I feel like it's at least still progress that they're finally doing something post-TOS again.
  10. Yeah but Apple has an ongoing notoriety for this. I remember way back in 2009 or 2010 having a Macbook Pro charging cable that had basically the exact same failure mechanism. They replaced it for free at the store, but still, I was using a charging cable for a laptop that look basically just like the one on the left and thank fucking god I happened to notice before it caught anything on fire.
  11. Oh. Then I think your two best options are leveraging the situation to claim a room and getting your would-be housemates, or just renting whatever you can afford and trying to find people you're willing to split a place with once you're there.
  12. I think it'd be great for something like running Civ on a potato. The ability to run the graphics at a reasonable setting and process turns at a reasonable pace tends to be the limiting factor with a game like Civ. The only real latency issues would be something like if you're playing multiplayer and another human player declares war on you, since there's an initial turn of everything resolving simultaneously where reaction speed can count for a lot. But for anything where reaction times are super core to the game? lolnon Not even single-player games unless they could somehow keep real-time tabs on the lag and retime the game on the fly accordingly.
  13. Not outside of college, no. Install a latch lock on your bedroom door for some peace of mind if you're that worried about it? IIRC johnny is looking to move and not necessarily to where his mom just bought a house. @johnny if you're really that uncomfortable with living with a random roommate (not judging you, I wouldn't be either) just move with your mom and try to find someone you'd be willing to live with once you're in the new location.
  14. Do you literally have to work a sixth day in a calendar week or is it rolling and/or for exceeding 40 hours in a week? Either way it sounds like they're probably good about letting you actually use your PTO given the time limit on that 160 hours of bonus PTO, which counts for a lot.
  15. @nezt your old account @Dr.Nezt (which won't have to go through post approval for the first three posts) is one of the accounts we saved. Were you unable to get into it? I can force a password reset if you missed the one you should have gotten around a month ago. I can also confirm/change the email address associated with the account if you need that.
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