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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. "I finally got so sick of being called a dog murderer that I decided it would be less bad if people believed I was stupid enough to make up a story about murdering a dog."
  2. My best guess is that he's thinking about how the flood management (relating to managing rainfall) infrastructure diverts water out to the ocean instead of capturing it, and that he somehow got it in his syphilis-ridden head that this is causing California to have insufficient water to put out the fires.
  3. Like I said, watch it with someone else if possible, if you're watching it by yourself I can see why you'd find it hard to sit through.
  4. Saudi expels Canadian envoy, recalls its own after Canada demanded the immediate release of human rights campaigners swept up in a new crackdown
  5. The very first comment on the article was " It's pronounced with a hard g."
  6. Sacha Baron Cohen gets Joe Arpaio to accept ‘amazing blow job’ from Trump. Arpaio also told Baron Cohen it ‘wouldn’t surprise’ him if the president has had a ‘golden shower.’
  7. Well, we would be, but the screw companies went out of business too.
  8. When the Only Tool You Have Is a Tariff https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-the-only-tool-you-have-is-a-tariff-1533164659
  9. I know in Los Angeles at least, most if not all of the infrastructure to keep flooding from happening when it rains just runs all the water out into the ocean instead of capturing any of it.
  10. This is step 1 of throwing Fredo under the bus. For starters, Trump prefers children-stooges who don't get caught. Getting caught means you're a loser. Plus, he's tried to take Fredo as a hostage before so why wouldn't he be willing to throw Fredo under the bus? https://www.gq.com/story/real-story-of-donald-trump-jr
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