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Department of Temporal Investigations
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Quick, stock up now and surely their value will have gone through the roof in a decade just like happened with Beanie Babies!
  2. Age—they're using parts in the signals that have to be hand-made because they're so old you can't buy them any more—combined with lack of funding for proper maintenance and necessary overhauls. The budget raiding I mentioned means the MTA has to take out more debt, which means they've been having to spend more and more on just debt service. For tourists I think it's still fine but it's become increasingly unreliable for people who have to be at a certain place at a certain time every day.
  3. But the brain is more important than the mouth.
  4. Well, when the GOP has shifted the Overton window this far right, where not being an open Nazi makes you a moderate Republican...
  5. In NYC, the collapsing subway system has a lot to do with making people use rideshare even during busy times. And the city doesn't directly control it, the state does. And Cuomo refuses to take the MTA seriously, and he keeps raiding its budget to plug other holes in the state budget. Plus it year it came out he wanted to raid the budget to the tune of $250 million to do fancy light shows on the bridges.
  6. Yup, he definitely doesn't understand what primaries are. So high energy!
  7. With regard to the "ra ra girl power" stuff, I only found season 1 to be too much in this regard and pulling teeth isn't an unreasonable way to describe it IMO. It became more natural-feeling in subsequent seasons. With regard to show quality I think it's gotten better each season. The main problem I had in season 2 was how they kept bringing episodes to a screeching halt to do overly-long Alex and Maggie scenes, which always felt like a different show. They stopped doing that in season 3 though. It started to fall apart a bit in the last several episodes of season 3, but I suspect they got derailed by Kreisberg getting fired and Kreisberg probably not having sufficiently shared his full vision for the back half of the season for anyone to be able to execute it in his absence. I do agree with a review I read that it seemed like the showrunners knew they'd lost the thread and started trying to cut their losses and start trying to lay the groundwork for season 4, instead of doubling down on a failing arch. Now if it's the CW romance drama stuff that bothers you then I don't know what to tell you, these are still CW shows, it comes with the territory.
  8. Arrow opens with Oliver drunkenly hooking up with his girlfriend's sister on his father's yacht. Supergirl has Alex as a lesbian who nearly got gay married, and had Winn clearly getting frisky with an alien who seemed to want Klingon-grade rough sex before just nonchalantly dropping the alien girlfriend between seasons. Legends has Sara pursuing a lesbian romance and before that they were pushing her into Jack Harkness levels of seemingly being down to have sex with pretty much anything with a pulse. And I'm pretty sure you're supposed to conclude that Constantine and Gary are banging, and this is introduced not too long after having Sara and Constantine decide to ignore a mission partway through so that they can bang in a closet. And there's so many more examples I could use, Legends is basically a fuckfest, they just don't show you anything. I think Flash has been the tamest of the Arrowverse shows so far. So OBVIOUSLY it's this casting choice that's pushing things too far.
  9. The best way to spread some chaos and to drive the intel people absolutely nuts would be to not tell them what the agenda was and then have there be really and truly nothing special for them to find out.
  10. Did he seriously marry furks?
  11. Jason


    But Nezt is already a bit derp.
  12. Also, is he unhappy Balderson won? Someone needs to tell him how ellipses work.
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