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Posts posted by brucoe

  1. Forgiving student loans is about the only thing Democrats can do that would interest me in voting for them going forward. Their current agenda has been a dumpster fire of wannabe progress that boils down to the simple premise that "they are not Donald Trump". BBB is a non-starter, mainly because they can't seem to nail it down to a simple explanation that causes your average Joe to think: "Oh, okay. That's cool." Instead, it does a lot of things to help a people's agenda instead of appealing to all of the people who could use the aid. It seems to come down to trillions of dollars to do...something.


    Forgiving student loans is tangible. Telling us to get ready to start making payments again basically tells us that putting Democrats in office to get rid of the bad Donald really didn't do anything other than make it so that we don't have to listen to the rantings of a delusional game show host. If they don't do something soon, people are honestly going to start thinking: "Well, at least with Trump we get crazy drama, and that might be better than a feeling that nothing seems to happen."

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Damn you got a blu-ray drive on your Xbox 360? Did you have the HD-DVD add on too?

    Oh wow,  my memory is getting bad in my old age. I was talking about the Xbox One. I also had an Xbox 360 (which I then bought an Xbox One). The Xbox One's drive went bad. It's part of the problem of them making systems and practically naming them the same thing.

    • True 1
  3. I'm at that point where I don't have anything to play. I've been playing the dumpster fire that is New World, and I still sign onto it every day or so because I have nothing new to play. It's a lot like showing up at a party that ended the night before, realizing no one actually had a good time, all the alcohol is gone, and now people are just staring at me, wondering when I'm going to leave.


    I really need something new that will consume my soul for long periods of time.

  4. To be honest, as much as I love the series, I've always felt that Firefly was a roundabout way to glorify the Confederacy by focusing on a loveable group of misfits that fought against the Union. Yeah, it's in the future and all that, but I really have a hard time thinking that Whedon didn't do exactly what I suspect he did in creating the narrative of this show. And yeah, I know a lot of people will deny this because of the love of the show (like I said: I love it, too), but it's a hill I plan to die on.

  5. On 12/7/2021 at 11:36 PM, EternallDarkness said:

    rewatched DS9 for the umpteenth time, still consider it the best Trek show


    rewatched Voyager and while it has some excellent episodes for the most part its subpar


    now rewatching TNG. Been a while since I've watched this one, forgot just how horrible the first season was. Am now into season three and I have to laugh at a few things, which are pretty much in all the series but I'm really noticing it now. No engineer does any real work...they push buttons or hold a tool with a flashing light, none of them ever get their hands dirty doing any actual physical work ..and now matter how dire a situation is NO ONE EVER RUNS or acts in anyway that makes you think they believe the situation is urgent. The ship will blow up in five minutes and I need to check something in the cargo bay...do they sow people running to the cargo bay? Nope, casually walking down the hall. Hello??? ship go boom soon...maybe move your asses! :p 

    The one positive thing I'll say about Discovery is that its engineer actually engineers. While I always believed Scotty could duct tape a warp engine together, that female engineer makes me believe she could do the same thing in a way that would make MacGyver envious at what she can accomplish with a pint of ale and a paperclip.

  6. To be perfectly honest, this is one year where Trump definitely deserved it. His trolling was FAR superior to Musk's by miles. But seriously, no one other person had such an impact on the world than he did. Not for the better, but he definitely had one hell of an impact. Unfortunately, even if they gave it to him for being a total Neanderthal, he'd see it as a good thing and his followers would somehow maneuver it into a reason to put him back in office (which is going to happen any way, unless he passes away before that can happen).

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