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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I would probably go refund. Those games always go on sale. And I feel like I heard there is 6-8 hours of exploration gameplay before you even get to any gun play. Swear I heard that somewhere so I'm sticking to it.
  2. I don't know how accurate this info is but supposedly all the characters have a different sized hit box. Wraith is the absolute smallest character making her hard to hit in some situations. Gibraltar is the biggest followed by Caustic. A ton of people have chimed in to different threads on the Apex reddit claiming when they play Caustic/Gibralter/Pathfinder they die much faster. The reason being the characters are just larger making them easier targets. It's confirmed all characters move/sprint at the same speed. The bigger characters arms move slower while sprinting making them appear slower but they aren't. The size issue may be true though so try using a smaller character and see if you do any better. Size chart:
  3. I laughed a little too hard at the mime guy "crashing" at the end. I was never into Pokemon until my son came along. We'll definitely be seeing it in theater.
  4. No such thing as bad publicity. This is as much attention as THQ Nordic has gotten in months.
  5. Getting old sucks. Sad to see some of my favorite people age . But this movie will "de-age" them so yay!
  6. I had a lot of fun also in freeplay last night. I really went in blind so it was cool to stumble upon a player fighting a titan and after helping him defeat it, I read online its a timed event with 3 more to find. Being out of the loop on this game leads to some nice surprises.
  7. Servers are acting funky. Finished a mission and didn't get any xp or anything. Loaded back to the Fort and I'm character Lvl 1. Restarting game fixed it.
  8. I wish I had more time in a day to play this game. Im only like 3 hours in and it's at that slow part where they have to keep introducing you to crap, most I already know about. Only complaint so far are some load times on PS4. Playing the story missions on hard are sometimes still a little too easy. My random teammates keep chewing big enemies apart before I even do much. I'll be putting some time into the game this week and can't wait to get leveled up.
  9. I had the weirdest teammate last night. The person would never keep up with us as we ran place to place. We lasted a long time but 2 of us end up getting killed. I go to the weird guys camera who was still alive and he is hiding behind a rock nearby peeking out ever so slightly. The bad guys run away and he slowly comes out. I don't think the person knew how to sprint because he moved at walking speed the entire time. He came over and looked at our banners and then walked away leaving them there. Call me crazy but I spent the next 5 minutes just spectating the guy as he walked everywhere lol. He came in to a big clearing and in the distance 3 squads have each other pinned and it's mad gun fire going back and forth. He just walked straight to them. He walked so slowly and wasn't firing that nobody noticed him. I swear he got about 10ft away from an enemy and finally aimed down the sight hitting the person once. He was instantly taken out by 3 of them. Hopefully he/she was just a young child that had no idea how to play.
  10. I don't know what to think about that. Some people are paying extra to play the game early or signing up for EA's service, but you're not even getting to play the best version of the game right now.
  11. I only had one toxic group of teammates so far on PS4. It started after the character select screen. I picked Caustic and was immediately met with "ughhh another Caustic player, I've yet to see any good Caustic players". As we dropped they are like "stay with us or fuck off,either way we wont revive you". Needless to say we didnt last long lol.
  12. Definitely. This isnt like Call of Duty either. I can't pick the same gun every game so I can look at my expensive gun skin. Spend $10 on a skin that you might see if you find the gun while looting in the game... I don't see the appeal at all.
  13. Respawn/EA are out of their damn minds with the price model they have going for items on the store in game. I'm not familiar with items for sale in Fortnite so this is really my first experience with battle royale dlc. The 2 valentine day items: "Epic" skin for longbow sniper rifle and a "Legendary" banner, both 1,100 Apex coins each. Total of 2,200 coins. There is an option to buy 2,000 coins +150 bonus coins for $19.99 (total of 2,150) . But wait, you would be 50 coins short for both valentine day items. And wait, $20+ for a single gun skin and a banner that you barely ever see? Is this shit common in the battle royale arena? Oh and the rate you earn crafting material is insane as well. A Legendary skin costs 1,200 crafting material. I'm level 18 and have 165.... In the grand scheme I'm not offended by this. I'm not going to fall for outrageous skins. You rarely see any of the stuff for it to matter. I've just fallen really hard for this game and love playing it. Seeing those prices though... it's crazy. I'd love to see sales data about how many people are buying the stuff.
  14. After reading the article, it's clear his store was in the hole before his Nike decision. Pulling Nike products sure wasn't going to get him more customers either.
  15. Premiering on Netflix first is surprising the hell out of me. Seems like it would be the other way around. Definitely not complaining!
  16. I meant pre loading in general for any big game that comes out. I wasn't sure if the Epic launcher was capable.
  17. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sony-PlayStation-Classic-Console-Gray-3003868/659739661?u1=verge&oid=651953.1&wmlspartner=nOD/rLJHOac&sourceid=15704412331392853691&affillinktype=10&veh=aff If anybody still wanted one of these Walmart has them on sale for $39.99
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