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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Just shut the door man.... just shut the door.
  2. I loved the episode and can't say much that hasn't already been said. My only issue is I wish Cersei would have had to deal with the army of the dead at some point. Also I feel like the army of dead was a much bigger threat then all of the iron throne nonsense. Jon and everybody survives this big epic battle against the Night King and oh yeah we still gotta go get Cersei out of power now. They just saved the human race for crying out loud. Now let's go get that iron chair!
  3. Jumped in tonight to try the newer Stronghold that was added. For the first 15min it was just me and another player. Half way through 2 more people did join which was nice. That was only on the hard difficulty though. I fell off the game pretty hard and am only lvl 28. Really don't feel the need to go back for a while though.
  4. I need to see Endgame but have no idea when I'll get to. I'm staying off a lot of websites, also YouTube. Going to try and grab a late showing during the work week when it won't be so crowded. They will have my money this week or next.
  5. Valve can easily sit back and let this all run its course. With their install base none of their customers are just going to up and leave. Epic can continue to try and shake up the industry and spend money for all the timed exclusives they want. And in 2 years or so if it's not working out like they planned we will see them suddenly scale back. Fortnite isn't going to last forever. I'm all for competition. For now Epic is offering the better deal for game makers but Valve has the millions and millions of potential Steam customers. Could be a hard choice for game makers.
  6. Yeah it takes way too long to level up in the battle pass. I play a few rounds almost every night and I'm only around lvl 28 I think. At this point I don't know why I bought the pass. I haven't equipped any of the rewards on my characters except for 1 or 2 stat trackers.
  7. A lot of people I know that quit soda latch on to things like Mio. Those concentrated flavors you squirt into water. I'm not big on their taste though. My wife went hard on using fruits in her water. Lately I stick to squeezing in some lemon to help me drink more. Also been snacking a lot more on almonds lately in between meals.
  8. Microsoft has a new problem they haven't had to experience before. Digital libraries. I'm in a financial position where I could buy both new consoles at launch if I really wanted to. But I don't need both. I have a massive digital library on PS4 between purchases and ps plus games. There isnt much Microsoft could do that's going to make me abandon all those games and start new on the Xbox.
  9. Can you really trust a phone with a film like that though? Seems like with repeated use and using the phone in mixed conditions (hot/cold/humid environments) the film might come loose and peel eventually.
  10. Yeah what's up with that?? Maybe the price would have went up if they had to mass produce a new case? Feels cheap and lazy man...
  11. Damn that's a horrible deal. No disc drive means no games and 4k blu ray player... for pretty much the same price as the standard console.
  12. Normally I'm itching for a new console to get a hold of. They mention in that one quote that this will be a "gentle transition" with some games coming out for both ps4 and ps5. I still have so many games I want to get through that Im not sure I see myself buying a ps5 day one. I still might but that desire to jump on a whole new train isn't that strong when I know I'll end up playing a bunch of ps4 games on it anyway.
  13. Just a couple days ago this post/thread popped into my head and I thought, hey I wonder how HardAct is doing, it's been a while since I checked for an update. Very sad to hear about your son. I can't even imagine. Glad you are getting settled into a new place though.
  14. Sure I'll take Fiasco as well. I PM you my shipping info. Just let me know how you want paid.
  15. I thought the article was pretty harsh and made some problems overblown. Most problems any patches caused were fixed very quickly. And for being a free to play game with 1 map, I think it's doing as good as can be expected. My only complaint is the battle pass. Takes A LONG time to level up between levels for worthless rewards. I was playing a lot of Rocket League lately and they have nice season passes. Not hard to level up and the items are useful.
  16. https://local21news.com/news/offbeat/woman-does-karate-son-gets-naked-dog-steals-cornbread-at-walmart-police-say "Lisa Smith, 46, and her 25-year-old son Benny Vann are under arrest after causing a scene at a Walmart this week, according to Wisconsin police......" The police have a good rundown of what happened at this Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/EauClairePD/posts/2381144252170884
  17. I'll take The Gamble and The Utility of Force. If no one wants The End I'll take off your hands as well.
  18. This is me exactly at the barbershop i go to.
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