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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I enjoy watching scary movies and feeling scared or a sense of dread. The first movie didn't give me any of those feelings. I wanted to like it but I don't find the look of the clown to be scary and his voice is annoying. I also find that kid from Stranger Things to be too recognizable. So seeing him in the same type of role riding around a town on his bike felt off. Guess my point is, I'll see this movie on blu ray. Saw the last one in theater and was let down.
  2. I didn't get a lot of dating experience in my life. My wife and I met senior year of high school and have been together ever since. Before her I only ever had one what I would call serious relationship, and that girl cheated on me with a friend of mine. We had started talking during the beginning of summer vacation and spent the summer together. It was fun. Probably 4 months later we went bowling with a friend of mine. We ended up going back to her house afterward and her parents were on a trip somewhere. We hung out for a little bit and my friend and I left, we were in separate cars. As soon as I was out of sight he turned around and went back to her house and they hooked up. Apparently they had been talking for a while without my knowledge. She "felt bad about it" and told me a few days later. Lost the girlfriend and the "friend" that I had known since elementary school. Definitely felt horrible. Losing the girlfriend was hard but I was more hurt by my friend. I still remember the confusion going through my head of like, how have I known this dude so long and he would do something like that. Years of a friendship for it to end with him saying " I don't know man *shrugs*...sorry" when I asked him about it. I've never cheated on anyone and never would. Its just not in my dna haha. I have kids and a wife. I'm not looking to mess anybodys life up.
  3. Maybe as a small toddler I thought balloons were cool but as a kid I never cared about them. Always seemed wasteful.
  4. Knowing nothing substantial about Batwoman...whats with the bright red hair? Just seems TOO bright.
  5. Whats the general opinion on Avatar these day? Somehow I never saw it at release. About 2 years later I bought the blu ray and watched the first 30mins before I got sidetracked and never got around to finishing it. Worth watching?
  6. My son is in 1st grade and they have had at least 3 active shooter drills so far, could be more. I kind of wince every time I'm in his school now because every hallway and stairwell has the RUN, HIDE, FIGHT posters hanging up. When I was his age the worst we had were tornado drills where we would quickly grab a small carpet square, crouch down in the hallway and put the carpet over the top of our heads lol. I can't even pretend that school shootings couldn't happen at his school because back in 2005 there was a murder suicide in their very own parking lot. Some kid lost their parents in the parking lot that day, some sort of domestic altercation.
  7. Sounds pretty cool but after checking out the available games you get access to, most of them I've already played or don't care to.
  8. I thought the same thing and mentioned it somewhere in this thread. I was sad that nobody in Kings Landing got to see the full force of the dead coming to attack. Death came with an army to kill Bran and everyone else. Now that parts over and we get this iron throne business that feels like nonsense compared to what just happened. It really did lower my excitement for these last few episodes because the "threat" just doesn't compare to an army of dead.
  9. At this point after every crazy thing Cersei has done, I also have a hard time believing she wouldn't have just wasted Dany and her dragon right then and there. I think the scene would have been more believable if they didn't have Dany and the dragon there at all.
  10. I can't say for sure if I'll buy their next game since we haven't seen it yet. But there is no way I'll preorder it and I'll wait a minimum of 2 weeks after release to get a good impression of how it turned out. They have shown they don't deserve preorders.
  11. I thought the part with Bronn busting in with the crossbow felt really rushed and thrown in. I swear he barely took a breath while demanding whatever. Just as quick as he busted in he was gone.
  12. I bought Edith Finch on sale a few months ago and didn't play it yet. Hate when that happens. Heard it's a great game though so still worth it.
  13. From the examples given so far, Dexter is my vote for biggest shit show of an ending. I can't figure out how they thought that was a good idea. Remember? Remember this bullshit!? A lot of the episodes in the later seasons are pretty bad so I guess it doesn't surprise me looking back now.
  14. In some videos of Sonic 1 levels I watched, you would end the level by jumping into a ring. I never thought it actually took him some place though. But it seems we're not alone with this question: "People Are Wondering Why Sonic Has Dr. Strange Powers" https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/04/30/people-wondering-why-sonic-doctor-strange-powers/
  15. I'll have to watch some videos, like I said its been a long time since I played.
  16. I've been going to Subway less and less over the years. Prices keep going up and its just not worth it. I can make almost all the stuff at home anyways.
  17. I haven't looked around the internet to see anyone else mention it yet. But around 1:55-2:00min into the trailer it looks like Sonic throws a ring at people falling and it portals them to another place. Is this concept from the games? I played the Genesis games a lot as a kid and didn't touch many after that. It's been a long time since I played them though. What's the deal?
  18. I bought the early access and just barely scraped the surface last night. Then I watched the most recent Dreams video on Giantbomb and watching 2 of the developers play around with it was amazing. The rate at which he created things with 2 move controllers was crazy to watch.
  19. I always heard you keep that stuff in the freezer to keep it fresh longer.
  20. I play Rocket League pretty often. Plenty of people still play. Definitely a hard game to get into now because people are insanely good.
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