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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I'll be digging in to Days Gone tonight. Only 20min in so far haha.
  2. I'm expecting the launch price to be $499. The PS4 Pro is still selling at $399. If you were to say for $100 more you will get the PS5 we'd be jumping at that. Plus compared to an $800-1,000 smartphone, the PS5 would be considered a steal.
  3. Looks pretty cool but yeah the price is too high for me to just impulse buy it. I'll enjoy watching YouTube videos of it in action and leave it at that.
  4. Probably beating a dead horse here but I'm still always surprised when I see GTAV charting on these lists. It just keeps selling!
  5. Probably not much you can do sadly. Trying to get legal help from a lawyer would probably cost as much as the towing fees. You could try looking at the lease you signed and see if there is any fine print that might apply in this situation. You could try being really polite and nice with the apartment complex and explain the situation but if the tow company has your car they aren't going to budge without being paid. It is fucked up that you are paying to live at this place and they just removed your car all of a sudden because you didn't have some bs "permit".
  6. Watched the episode again. I REALLY wish we would have seen Greyworm's reaction to finding out his queen was dead. That whole part with the dragon taking her body away before anyone could even witness her dead doesn't fit well at all. Jon and Greyworm could have had a cool fight or something too.
  7. That's another problem I have with this season. In the past if I had a question about a character or something that happened, there was usually an answer to be had from someone that knew the show or books really well. This last episode especially left me with a bunch of unanswerable questions since it's clearly not up to par with the old seasons.
  8. Is there anything I missed with Drogon taking away Dany's body? I guess that's the only question I have at this point.
  9. Couldn't they just make it easier and have a list of qualifying games, where you add 2 of them to your cart and you get a $19.99 discount at checkout?
  10. Of course not. It's Jon and Ghost on a bicycle singing "I'm walking on sunshine!" since the Night King is gone. Also, with all the screen time Arya got in the last episode plus the ending with the horse, I feel like she has to be the one to kill the mad queen.
  11. These are my thoughts as well. I'm not super knowledgeable on all parts of this show. But up until now I was mostly under the assumption that Dany had no problem killing "bad" people or killing people that wouldn't bend the knee. Maybe a rare instance of an innocent getting killed along the way. In my eyes the show just didn't earn it when she went full nuclear. It was too rushed. I really don't mind what happens in the finale as long as it's satisfying. If it feels just as rushed as these last few episodes, it's going to leave a bad stain on a show that had some amazing seasons. To do the final season dirty just isn't right.
  12. Glad I started watching this. I could feel my anxiety rising at the end of the 2nd episode
  13. I'm in need of a new game to play and I have been eyeing this up since release. Thought it might go on sale shortly after release like every other game but it seems to be selling well. Then I wanted to see how Rage 2 turned out in case it was some amazing must play game but that doesn't seem to be. Now I'm back to staring at Days Gone
  14. Wired dome security cameras. I wanted the full experience of crawling through the crawl spaces and attic to run the wires. It was loads of fun... but they work great.
  15. I'd love to know what she was in the mall buying that couldn't wait till later, when she didn't have 7 kids with her.
  16. I can't add anything to what's already been said. I can't wait for the next episode
  17. I saw that last night too and almost bought it! Maybe I'll check it out next weekend and report back. Last night I had the Arrogant Bastard. Tonight it's Sierra Nevada Sidecar orange ipa. Had it the last 2 weeks and enjoy it.
  18. I graduated high school in 2005 and our school didn't have cards you could load up with money. Probably wasn't long after when they did get them. I bought and packed about 50/50.
  19. This was cool! https://kotaku.com/a-dedicated-fan-is-remaking-metal-gear-solid-in-dreams-1834703726
  20. Took the whole family to see it today. My son loved it. I didn't grow up a Pokémon fan but I still enjoyed it for what it was. Theater we saw it in had like 15 other people so it was nice and comfortable.
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