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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I wish I could see the future and see how long Gamestop has left. I imagine they will be around for most of the next gen console life. They could probably afford to downsize a little. I have 8 Gamestops within 8 miles of my house. Seems excessive. I had plenty of good and bad experiences to look back on from shopping there. Won't miss them at all now though. Just like Blockbuster. Fun times but tech changes.
  2. Silver/grey color. Had carbon fiber around the bottom. I knew somebody at the show would have posted a video of it on youtube. Here it is:
  3. Probably see this with my dad as we are both big Ford/Shelby fans. We were just at the Ford Nationals in Carlisle on Friday. Somebody had one of the new Ford GT's there. First time seeing that one in person. It was a sight to behold.
  4. My birthday is in 2 days and I'm not happy about it.
  5. Imagine jumping along on a pogo stick and hitting a slippery spot(aka shit on the ground) then having the stick whip out from under you as you fall on your back. No thanks lol. Rather take my chances on a scooter. Glad I don't have to worry about either though
  6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/06/02/anthems-new-roadmap-is-to-delete-its-roadmap-which-is-probably-for-the-best/amp/ I guess the word is the Cataclysm event is going to be in July now.
  7. Definitely! There are an infinite number of ways this will be used for nefarious purposes.
  8. I need to keep an eye on this YouTube channel
  9. Whatever all that was, it sure looks nice. Still not sold on any of it though. I keep getting the "pretty walking simulator" vibe.
  10. Insane.... People are just hunched over waiting in line. Is this the adrenaline rush you expected?
  11. Let's not forget outrageous medical bills that can put you into debt faster than anything. I don't have it anywhere near as bad as some people, but my wife had to have a gastroscopy procedure done in December, then broke her hand in April. *Boom* now we have $4,300 in medical bills. Plus physical therapy was 3 times a week for the first month, now 2 times a week for the 2nd month @ $45 per visit. I pay $602 per month for the gold plan with Capital Blue Cross. The medical field is out-fucking-rageous. Capital Blue sent us a summary paper that showed what was done at each visit. The first visit for physical therapy the insurance company had to pay $728. The 2nd trip was around $650. You're telling me they charge $700 for a 1 hour appointment for physical therapy?? I respect their knowledge in making my wife's hand the best it can be and she's made amazing progress in healing, but these prices are not realistic.
  12. Agree so much. I was just talking about this exact subject to some friends the other night. I graduated high school in 2005. I took an optional class my senior year that involved finances, banking, and job related topics. I learned a good bit but it didn't dive too deep into every day things adults can go through. At no time in my schooling did we go over filing taxes which is something that every working American has to do yearly. Now I know tax laws can change year to year but I would rather have been taught about taxes, different business structures, potential tax write offs, etc... then a lot of what I was taught in school.
  13. I liked Nioh but didn't get far into it. I hit the spider lady boss and fell off pretty hard. Some day i wanna go back to it.
  14. I can respect the mystery around the game but there is no way I'm buying it without knowing something about the gameplay, games length, etc...
  15. I watched that show when it aired and also didn't realize how bad it looked.
  16. I deleted the game a few weeks ago. Moved on and not quite sure if I'll ever go back. If I hear amazing things in the future then maybe, but for now I've written it off. Too many other games to play.
  17. That would suck big time with new consoles in the works
  18. For as much as I love peanut butter, I've yet to try it on a burger. Some day... I know JIF peanut butter melts really good,maybe too good for a hot burger. I put a big spoonful of that on a paper towel and melt it in the microwave for 20 sec, fold the towel in half and drizzle it on ice cream or a bowl of cheerios before you add the milk
  19. Awesome of you as always! (Don't pick me, I'm drowning in games right now)
  20. They should have released it the way it was. I don't think the look of the character was going to keep people from going to the theater. The movie itself has that covered.
  21. I can't stand watching people stream some shooters. The way they mouse back and forth super quick is hard on the eyes.
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