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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I feel like I laughed a lot more during the first Dave Chappelle special a year or two ago, whenever that was. I'm just feeling pretty burned out on a lot of the topics covered in his newest show. The part with the LGBT people in a car was when I started to mentally check out. I'll have to rewatch the last half hour or so.
  2. Part of me kind of wants the game to be a total piece of garbage just to see the fallout online over their beloved Kojima.
  3. We're screwed either way man. Just pick which poison you want "The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced a review into the potential risks of plastic in drinking water after a new analysis of some of the world’s most popular bottled water brands found that more than 90% contained tiny pieces of plastic. A previous study also found high levels of microplastics in tap water". https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2018/mar/15/microplastics-found-in-more-than-90-of-bottled-water-study-says
  4. Man some of those were hard to watch. I get pissed almost every day when I drop my kid off at school, people are always speeding through the 15mph school zones.
  5. $25 for 800lb carrying capacity straps. We could steal some big things with these!
  6. The beginning with them getting out of the car was great. If you have ever seen the outtakes for Bad Boys 2, in real life Martin Lawrence opened the Ferrari car door into a pole or fire hydrant leaving a dent.
  7. What is all this basketball shit doing in my gambling simulator?
  8. @Rbk_3 sorry to hear you are going through that. You always hope tv buying is quick and easy. Years ago I had to return a tv and just trying to pack it all up and haul it back was stressful enough. Let alone multiple times. I would definitely take that one back though, looks horrible.
  9. I was pretty sure this would be the final season of Better Call Saul whenever it comes out again.
  10. I'm happy with my current Switch. Only thing I would be interested in was that rumored more powerful switch.
  11. If I had games worth that much in a safe I would have had it bolted to the floor and wall plus nice crystal clear HD security cameras in/out of the building.
  12. I saw this comment on the Kotaku article I thought was interesting. Its someone claiming they work at a Gamestop store so I guess take it for what it's worth. I'll post the whole comment in a spoiler tag but the main part that caught my eye was there is talks of closing 15-35% of stores after this holiday season.
  13. Yeah I also don't know what I want out of another NFS game. I'll wait for reviews before ever deciding to buy this...or actually any EA game.
  14. I've never been one to think violent games make people violent. I might even say violent games help keep the crazy people at bay. They can play a game like GTAV and blow off steam doing horrible things. If I'm going to put blame on anything, I'm going to go with the internet in general. It allows broken and damaged people to connect with each other in ways we've never dealt with. Being free to spread whatever crazy pointless nonsense they want about women, politics, other races, etc.. They can be surrounded by that negativity 24 hours a day. Instructions on how to work a weapon or make a bomb are at their fingertips. There have always been people in this world that are capable of committing mass murder. I just think that more of them could have steered on to a less violent path before the internet came along.
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