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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. My wife's dad bought this TV with the stand year's ago at release. Sony 34" XBR960. The tv by itself weighs about 195lbs. Not sure if the stand adds a lot of weight. The tv still looks good today but it was a bad egg from the start. It was repaired 3 times and l for the longest time it's had that issue where lines aren't straight. Not sure of the term, banding maybe? Like the stock ticker on CNN is curved looking instead of straight across. I had to move it for them once, it was a damn nightmare.
  2. Infinity Wards narrative director saying the decision was from above their pay grade.
  3. Kotaku made an article about it. So either they jumped the gun or Survival really is locked down until next October. I guess it's true, but that seems like a bad move on Call of Dutys part. For a game that tries to have a bunch of different game modes to keep players engaged and playing, why cut off a mode for the pc/Xbox player base? Sony must have paid some big bucks. https://kotaku.com/a-modern-warfare-game-option-is-ps4-exclusive-until-oct-1838429056
  4. I haven't watched any trailers. Really looking forward to this releasing.
  5. I picked up the variety kit for my son. I believe Amazon had it but they seem to be sold out. Best Buy is still shipping them for now, might change later to in store only when they run out. Variety Kit https://www.bestbuy.com/site/nintendo-labo-variety-kit-nintendo-switch/5234621.p?skuId=5234621 Robo Kit https://www.bestbuy.com/site/nintendo-labo-robot-kit-nintendo-switch/5234620.p?skuId=5234620
  6. Yeah I got another one too. I just can't decide what I should spend that 3 bucks on yet!
  7. I was surprised by how many people had mics on. Sadly almost all were just spewing nonsense or racist comments. Reminded me of the early 360 days.
  8. When I was a kid my dad bought the Terminator 2 arcade cabinet for our house. Played the hell out of that. Those machine guns created a ridiculous racket when they vibrated That's the only Terminator game I need in life.
  9. I played the beta last week and after so much Apex Legends it took me a few matches to adjust. If you want to move through the level slower, you can get a few extra kills by mounting your weapon on walls and boxes(click the right stick). I was definitely put off by how fast you die though. After a while I was just messing around. Started using mines and claymores a lot. Got a lot of kills with those. Nobody else seemed to use them. I found one good camping spot on the one map. I could hide in a bathroom stall pointed at one entrance, and the other entrance covered by the claymore, right near a capture point too. Definitely pissed some people off I will say the beta lowered my expectations for the game overall.
  10. My son is 7 and towards the end of school back in May they had an active shooter drill. They had at least 2 before that, but after that last one in May he suddenly had all these questions and fear. Like one night before bed he looked sad and I asked what's up. Then he asked if somebody was going to shoot him at school. As a parent all you can do is reassure them it's safe. I guess the school needs to train them what to do in an emergency but it sure does raise a lot of fear for such a young mind.
  11. If any of you are bleeding out, my socks are not going to save you. I only wear no show socks
  12. When I read your comment I instantly thought of Gamestop. Picturing a ghost town with no one coming in to pick up their reserved games on launch day anymore. Crazy how fast times are changing.
  13. He's like a bad Dexter who can't hide the real anger inside of him. 16 seconds into the video with that murder stare.....
  14. My son started playing Splatoon 2 when he was 6. It really helped him grasp using dual analog sticks. It's casual enough he could hang back in the levels and paint and really learn how to move and shoot. Now he's 7 and while playing the casual multiplayer mode, he's usually in first/second place everytime on his team.
  15. Those people are really creepy! That was the first thing i noticed and couldn't get over it.
  16. I can remember seeing The Stand on my parents bookshelf when I was probably 7 years old. As I got older I thought, "that is one thick ass book, maybe someday I'll read it". Eventually they cleaned out and I took it. I still haven't got around to it and I'm 32 now.
  17. Face/Off 2 starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Kevin Hart. The Rock is in everything and since it's a remake they can make it a comedy. They switch faces and no one can tell haha.
  18. A family member bought me Quake 3 for the Dreamcast, and man that game would kill your thumbs. I don't remember if you could customize the controller settings it had. I just know when I played, the a/b/x/y buttons controlled movement, like run forward/back/left/right and the left stick was to aim. Your right thumb constantly holding down a hard plastic button and quickly switching between the face buttons was killer. I swear i eventually got a callous on my thumb print at the time.
  19. I had so many great memories from owning a Dreamcast. I had the subscription to the Dreamcast magazine and remember being crushed when I read it was being discontinued.
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