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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. The promise of these impossible games sounds nice. But having it at release would be a lot better...
  2. Even right now, the top 3 trending videos on YouTube are that way. 2nd one not as much but close enough The one I really hate the most is LinusTechTips. His are the most obnoxious. I'm sometimes interested in the tech he is showing off but his goofy ass face drives me crazy. I want to think he makes the faces on purpose but I can't tell.
  3. I think to combat camping the health increase would need to be at least 50% higher. People shouldn't be rewarded with a kill because they are crouched down in a corner trying to one shot everyone.
  4. I can't stand the state of YouTube where every thumbnail has to be a big fucking face with their mouth wide open.
  5. Like plenty of others have mentioned by now, the time to kill is so fast its just not fun. I want to love the multiplayer. Why is that so hard. The way the maps are designed I just can't get into a good groove. If I do start getting a killstreak it's never more than 5 without insta dieing. Who do they test this shit with? Have the devs ever adjusted the game after release when it comes to the ttk? I don't remember that ever happening but I'll keep hoping.
  6. Considering he didn't just talk about it, but also posted a picture of the new map, I would have no problem siding with Epic. My only lingering question is what is the price tag for breaking an NDA like that. Is there a standard amount for breaking the NDA or is it based on how big the leak was and how much "damage" was done. How do you put a price tag on "ruining customers excitement" like Epic claims.
  7. I had watched both videos but thought Hideo just scanned him for fun and put him in a quick scene. Didn't think that was in the shipping product. I feel so baffled when I see this game. On the Beastcast today they said they can talk about Death Stranding next week and I'm REALLY looking forward to it.
  8. The only hardware in the Founders bundle is a special color controller and a chromecast ultra. Doubt the delay is for hardware reasons.
  9. About 2 weeks ago, I saw Fallout 76 on the PSN and thought it had been a while since we've had some fun Fallout 76 news. Well here we go! They never disappoint.
  10. This seems like a problem that could get really out of hand, to the point Blizzard is digging their own grave. Keep banning your most loyal following and see what happens.
  11. My tv seemed really hot a few nights ago. Might try to blow out vents with dusting spray. It's still working great, just seemed hotter than I remember.
  12. So far Amazon seems like the only one left in the dust on this one. About a month ago I decided to get a streaming stick for my living room tv. Its a 2013 Panasonic plasma that doesn't get updates anymore so I needed something that will get the Disney app. I was going to get the Fire stick but unless something changed from a few weeks ago, so far Disney hasn't yet confirmed Amazon/Fire. I ended up buying the Rocku Stick + just to be safe. https://www.tomsguide.com/news/disney-plus-streaming-platforms-revealed-and-amazon-fire-tv-is-missing Something more recent: https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/amazon-disney-ad-sales-dispute-plus-app-fire-tv-1203357501/
  13. Movies full of talking cgi animals is getting a little stale for me. Looks like a rental for the kids at some point.
  14. I'm happy with the way the movie turned out. Wasn't anything ground breaking but if you're a fan of BB, there's no reason not to watch it. My small issue was
  15. Yeah their post about China having no effect on the decision might be this year's biggest crock of shit.
  16. Looks alright. I've just really had my fill of The Rock at this point. Would have been nice to see a fresh face all together in the leading role.
  17. I watched the first 40min before work this morning. Won't be able to finish it till probably 10pm tonight
  18. I remember being young and seeing advertisements for Medievil in gaming magazines and being really drawn to it. I played some of it at the time and thought it was kind of clunky. I think i just like the look of the character and the visual style of the game. And that's about it haha. I'm a sucker for skeleton characters.
  19. I played the demo that's out and didn't find it to be anything amazing.
  20. "The only thing we heard was one shot, and then a double tap after that". Didn't expect to see a story like this after this trial.
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