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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. It looked like your hands have something built on to them that sucks things to your hands. At one point it looked like she pulled something off a soldier from a short distance. Maybe through the game it evolves. Built in gravity gun.
  2. Graphics look great. Just not going to be able to play it with no pc VR set up.
  3. I'll reserve judgement until I see the reveal on Thursday, but at this moment, this is probably the most underwhelmed I could have imagined being for the next Half-Life game. Probably doesn't help all these years went by.
  4. https://kotaku.com/valve-announces-new-half-life-game-1839930385 The time has finally come everyone. VR . . .
  5. I got the bundle at launch but didn't have time to try ESPN+ and Hulu. I signed into ESPN+ fine with my Disney login, but Hulu doesn't work. Says I need to pay to subscribe. Didn't see many people online talking about that so I might have to call them.
  6. No my Netflix account was legit taken away. Had to call their customer service line to recover it. I made sure to go to the Netflix website to get the phone number too.
  7. Didn't do that, and actually never have. Is there a good go to program you recommend for android?
  8. 3 days ago I got an email from Netflix saying "your password has been changed" followed by a "you changed the email associated with the account". I called them up and was able to restore control. A day later I got an email from Reddit saying your account has had a lot of suspicious activity so they locked it down until I changed the password. This morning I got a text from Microsoft Outlook saying suspicious activity was found so they locked down my outlook email until I made a new password. Totally scanned my pc with no viruses or anything found. Changed a few passwords the first day the Netflix email came but not my outlook password. On the haveibeenpwned website only one of my emails has been leaked from 1 place. The outlook email doesn't show any compromises yet. Whats the best course of action for this situation? I'll admit not all of my passwords are different, there are probably 3-4 that I use which I know isn't good. Should I buckle down and get a password manager? Last Pass or 1Password seem highly rated. Should I get a whole new gmail email and start fresh? Or is that possible if I'm pretty invested in my google services with a pixel phone, youtube, home hub. Never had to deal with this shit before.
  9. We buy the Lactaid brand for my son, but I can't stand the smell of it. I swear it has a sour milk smell. My wife doesn't smell it though.
  10. I saw headlines saying "Disney underestimated demand", but really, how could they not expect it. Wonder how long it will take to smooth things out. I was thinking of it like a video game launch but its probably a lot worse. Just one household might download and use the app on multiple tvs/devices at once. I got the app set up one 3 tvs today which probably isn't even close to other people. Thats a lot of logging in.
  11. The app just about stopped working now. Most things aren't loading, error messages, "malformed data message". It's launch day alright.
  12. Got the app on my roku stick this morning. Definitely a ton of stuff I'll watch on here and being only $6.99 is insane. Just switched over to the bundle though. I've never felt the urge to cancel Netflix in all the years I've had it but I think that time has come. For a few months at least anyway. Everything that I clicked on so far in Disney+ works fine except for the X-Men cartoon. Whenever I click on it I get an Error message
  13. Are you all expecting this app to work flawless day one? This might be the first time a streaming service is launching and its kind of a big deal even on launch day.
  14. Definitely impressive. I know a lot of people that still have Wii's, usually just connected to a spare TV. I know my kids love the game on PS4.
  15. For whatever reason... I bought Death Stranding. So far I love it. I watched some trailers here and there when they came out but didn't remember much. I thought the beginning 90min of the game was pretty intense. Excited to dig back in when I get a chance.
  16. I didn't expect that many pictures lol. And they weren't all big suvs either. Some were either cars or just small/mid size suvs that are really just taller cars. I feel like there must be some visual illusion going on when you are driving in that spot that's throwing people off. Like people come in too distracted looking at the stores/parking spots, out of the corner of their eye they see where the grass ends but those little rocks around the boulder do kind of blend in with the pavement and the natural brown rock of the boulder just becomes a blur. As they smash into it.... I don't know. Maybe it's just stupidity.
  17. I didn't expect the gameplay to look so much like Fallout that's been reskinned with Terminator. Could be alright.
  18. What drags down any hope of the game for me was listening to the Beastcast and they made the point that after playing the 50-60 hour campaign, the game really didn't have anything interesting to say by the end. This game will definitely be on sale for Black Friday. The newest Call of Duty games go on sale for like $45 usually so I would guess Death Stranding to be about that. Because it is so weird, I kind of want to play it just to experience whatever it is.
  19. I'm REALLY ready for the next consoles to come out. PS4 is pissing me off with its update process. They always download fast but then it will say "copying" for like 20min. In this case though it says I cant update the game because I'm low on storage. I have 96GB free and the Modern Warfare update is like 2.4GB. I checked the size of Modern Warfare and it's 119GB so I guess I have to have that much space free to install an update?
  20. Hard for me to get excited about the gameplay trailer. Right now it just looks like an expansion.
  21. I just listened to the Stuff You Should Know podcast that mentioned this house. I find it strange you dont even pay money for the experience. Sounds like some dark web shit to me.
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