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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Stupid name aside, i did click around for a minute or two. They really pack that site to the brim with headlines, almost to the point that its overwhelming. Its like one giant page of text.
  2. It's going to take me a long time to get competitive with these back buttons. I've used them about 4 hours now between Apex and Rocket League. They are comfortable as hell and my 7 year old son was able to use them pretty easy last night. But like you said, muscle memory is a bitch. Much harder than I thought it was going to be. I think they could be pretty big game changers though with enough practice.
  3. Some people are just the worst. I read through some of the resetera thread. After @retrotranslator posted the big apology tweet you have these dipshits saying "its shitty to make an apology post and paint yourself as the victim".....Between this and the random Kobe Bryant comments on other websites, it just reinforces the fact that you should stay far far away from random strangers thoughts while browsing online. It's only going to anger and confuse you.
  4. My preorder came from Amazon today. Just got home from work and haven't had time to try it out yet. I did attach it to the controller and it feels really good and solid. I'll be trying it out tonight with Apex Legends and Rocket League. I'm looking forward to being able to jump with one of the back paddles and still be able to keep both thumbs on the sticks for Apex.
  5. "around 9:45 AM -- they flew into a mountain at 1700 feet. Flight tracker data shows they were flying at about 161 knots." According to Google 161 knots is 185mph... into a mountain.... fuck man....
  6. I bought this for my kindle a few weeks ago when it was on sale. Haven't started it yet. Did you get far into it?
  7. I was interested in knowing how long this virus can live on surfaces since the flu usually only lives 24 hours and cold viruses can be as long as7 days. They don't seem to know yet though. They are also unsure of the incubation period so they are operating under the assumption that it could take 14 days to show symptoms from the time you contracted it. Scary stuff.
  8. I hope everything goes absolutely perfect when they take real people up into space. Could you imagine the shit show if there was loss of life?
  9. I wish I had one closer to me that wasn't ghetto as hell. I went to it a few years ago and thought I might have left with a disease. With how dirty the place was inside and the way the staff working there looked, it was a bad time.
  10. I'm really hoping that's what happens. If it comes out that you have to buy a a whole new game or pay an upgrade fee, that would seriously hurt game sales in the meantime.
  11. Having their own event on their own terms probably works out better for them. Whatever week Sony reveals the PS5, Sony will pretty much own the news cycle that whole week. It will be filled with people critiquing and predicting every minor detail. Sounds better than getting lumped into the info dump of whatever Nintendo and Microsoft are also announcing.
  12. Definitely too big. Sounds awesome if you have a ton of free time. With all that potential content listed in the op, I will be steering clear of this game for sure.
  13. The Xbone, Xbox SeriesX, Matt Booty... I don't know what's going on on over at Microsoft lately. But I like it.
  14. This gen I bought a ps4, ps4 pro, xbone, and switch. I only have the pro and switch now. Sold the others.
  15. I imagine it could make a difference loading into multiplayer games. Sony was really toting the fast/near instant loading times with the next console. If everyone with an ssd loads into a multiplayer game in like 5-10 seconds but it takes regular hdd people 50-60 seconds it would be annoying. These are tests on the One X. Not all games make a huge difference because I imagine when the devs make an Xbox port, they aren't optimizing it for use with an ssd. The new consoles will take full advantage though. Final Fantasy XV in this list could be a good example of a new Series X vs old Xbox One. Or in a 6 vs 6 shooter game, half the lobby could be ready in seconds vs a minute. https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/3253-xbox-one-x-external-ssd-worth-it-game-load-times
  16. Info like this makes me think Sony is going to continue to have the dominate consoles going forward. Maybe even for all of next gen. That's a ton of users locked into the Playstation brand. Between the free PS+ games given out and digital purchases tied to the account, I can't picture a lot of users just up and ditching the PS for the Xbox. Microsoft is doing a lot of good things to make their brand more attractive. It's just going to be a long battle. I was never loyal to a brand growing up. I had all Playstation's and Xbox's at one point or another. But now I have over 300 games tied to my PSN account between the free ones and purchases. It would be foolish of me to start fresh in a other gaming eco system.
  17. My parents had an Atari 2600 that I have small glimpses of in my head being in the house and holding the controller. I got this when I was 7 years old which was all mine:
  18. That's amazing. Something so simple that she put into motion. Then you have the big people in power who just don't care.
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