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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 58 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:


    She quit?


    She might come back tomorrow and cry in front of the press at how she has been treated by other private citizens. Then the NYT and WaPo will write articles about how the left needs to behave itself, and will ignore another news cycle worth of coverage of the continuing child detention camps and attempt at elimination of due process for migrants.

    • stepee 2
  2. 53 minutes ago, Chris- said:

    But there have also been studies indicating that fat shaming makes people fatter and adversely affects weight loss efforts, so it’s not as simple as ‘body positivity is bad’.


    Moreover, the conclusion doesn’t follow; surveying someone’s perception of their weight against their actual weight doesn’t test the affect of a social movement, it just tests their self-perception. The researchers are assuming that their perception is dependent upon the movement, which isn’t how research works. 


    This is true. While body-positivity may be responsible for this, it doesn't appear there is any link beyond correlation at the moment. For all we know, people don't consider themselves overweight simply because everyone else around them is fat so they consider it normal.

  3. 6 hours ago, Komusha said:

    Let's be real, Sanders loves that she was kicked out.


    It may have all been orchestrated, too. The guy who first tweeted about her being kicked out is also the guy who attended the White Power rally last year that saw that woman get run over. He was interview by tonnes of the media as a PR person for the rally and has ties to the GOP.

  4. 16 hours ago, HGLatinBoy said:

    I stand by what I said. I cant imagine anyone ever saying "The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars movie and its also my favorite movie of all time"


    I don't know that anyone is saying the latter, thought some may be saying the former. Honestly I think it's possible that someone could have it be their favourite SW film, especially if they value cinematography as it's undeniably the most beautifully-shot SW movie.


    In any case, here is a 20-second fan edit that I think we can all agree fixes the movie entirely:



    As funny as this is, it actually would fix one of the criticisms of the movie. Well, not her doing it this way, but if she piloted the ship instead of Holdo. As someone on Resetera has pointed out, Poe could say something like "You can't use a ship as a ram in hyperspace, the jump is too erratic!" Then show Leia concentrating with the Force, and doing it anyway. It would explain why they don't just ram drone X-Wings into Star Destroyers all the time, and would provide a nice sendoff to her character as well as allow Holdo to remain as the leader of the new Rebellion (since there are already so few continuous side-characters in the new trilogy). This of course is said with hindsight that Carrie Fisher was going to die in real life. Obviously if she would have lived then having her play a role in stopping/turning Ben would have been more important.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mercury33 said:

    I’m not sure how this could ever be proven but I’d wager a large sum that the reason for Solos poor performance had almost ZERO to do with any perceived dislike of Episode VIII. To think that a large chunk of people would abandon such a beloved franchise with some of th most loyal fans on the planet because Luke isn’t a Ninja is ludicrous. 


    And if this pattern were actually true, then TFA should have bombed since there was a generally perceived feeling amongst the fanbase (though not public) that the entire PT sucked. But these sorts of things don't really hold up unless it's the same director, series, etc. So if Rian Johnson had made two Star Wars in a row and then the third bombed, we could reasonably believe that maybe the first two had something to do with it (assuming other conditions weren't in play). But Solo was a separate movie by separate people starring separate actors. I don't think the general movie-going audience really pays attention to this stuff like we do, and they just weren't excited for Solo.


    Honestly, I expect IX to do very well, probably a little below VIII. Audiences are going to want to see what happens to Luke now that he's dead, and I'm sure a large part of the marketing will go towards that.

  6. As sblfilms has also said, all we know about TLJ is that it was widely liked by audiences from the only two scientific polls we have. Anything else is anecdotal, especially internet forum feedback since it is self-selective. That doesn't mean it is a good movie (or bad or okay), as there is no such thing as an objectively good or bad movie. But in terms of being liked and enjoyed, TLJ is universally both by the public.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Reputator said:


    Nope. Significant chunk.


    DO you have any research to back this up? I am genuinely asking, not meaning to be snarky. I ask because online forums can't count for either side since it is 100% self-selecting (you only go online with the intent of sharing your opinion, so only the opinionated share them). The only evidence that can be used is that collected from people who were not self-selecting themselves.


    As far as I know, the only research of his nature that has been done is by Cinemascore which showed TLJ was very popular with the general audience (A). While I do believe that there is a divide amongst longtime fans (I would agree that it's probably a 50/50 split for and against the movie in this group), hardcore Star Wars fans probably only comprise 5% or less of the movie-going audience in general.

  8. 13 hours ago, atom631 said:


    What in the actual fuck? How is this good for consumers? 


    Maybe im missing something... but are there states where amazon doesn’t charge sales tax? 


    Here in NY we’ve been paying sales tax for goods purchased through amazon for as long as i can remember. I’m also going to suspect that the vast majority of high population states (re: the coasts) also pay the sales tax. And these states are also probably vast the majority of all sales (by a large margin). 


    Now, there is zero incentive for me to purchase an item from a 3rd party vendor on amazon. Their prices were usually slightly higher to begin with, but a lot of time if the item is expensive enough, they can be cheaper due to not having to pay the sales tax. Allowing these smaller mom and pop shops able to compete with amazon. That’s 100% out the window now. It was always a risk buying 3rd party due to warranty issues, etc. now I’ll just buy from amazon direct. No need to even bother check the other vendors. 


    Good job trump! 


    He doesn't exactly think ahead.

  9. 1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

    She was in Peace Arch Park, how was she unaware she was near the border? There are definitely signs around the park indicating which country you are in.


    I imagine it has something to do with the fact that she's from France, and also that while there may be signs, you would normally expect an international border to be highly visible (more than just a sign). I'm just speculating though, it would be nice to see actual pictures.


    Regardless of that, holding her for two weeks does seem excessive.

  10. Yeah I think a PC sub-forum is good for hardware/software-related things that are non-gaming. I don't see the need for sub-forums for pretty much anything else, though. The site isn't active enough to warrant it, and honestly we probably lost a few users during the outage, too. Trolls shouldn't be an issue these days, and can be dealt with.

  11. 1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

    On the actual topic of the freaking Space Force. What is it exactly that Trump thinks we need to do up there that we're not already? I'd love to hear what the Air Force thinks about all this. Besides, what are we going to do, build a new division of the armed forces that we send to space on Russian rockets?


    "Dear Mr. Putin, please let us use your sputniks to get the best American troops into space so they can shoot down your satellites."

  12. 18 hours ago, Jason said:



    Let's unpack this.


    It is only a victory for consumers and retailers if both accept that paying taxes are a good thing. But we know that people don't like paying taxes, and retailers don't either since by not collecting it gives them an advantage over physical stores. So the only way this is a victory is if Trump thinks that taxes in general are a good idea. Which he does not. Which means this tweet is actually just him being happy that Amazon now has less of an advantage, as he hates Jeff Bezos. Except that Amazon has been collecting sales tax for a while now, and Trump remains ignorant of this.

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