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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. So let's say that over the next 20 years the US dollar slowly loses its place as the world's primary currency. What replaces it? Obviously not the Euro since the EU is collapsing slowly. Does anything replace it? China might be rising economically, but they are still very fragile and are artificially propping themselves up.

  2. Is there a way to make it so that the categories aren't at the beginning of the line, but at the end? Right now it's impossible to scan down the titles and read them because there is so much more clutter going on. Or at least eliminate user-added tags because they add nothing except clutter. I also can't use a dark theme because it hurts my eyes too much.

  3. What a coward. He was publicly known to have wanted to take on gerrymandering during his time in office, and when he had the chance he punted.


    The US is so fucked. In 20 years (maybe 10) the Democrats will be winning the popular vote by 15% in the House and will still be losing control.


    The GOP has given up on civility and conventions, and it's time that the Democrats did the same. At this point there is no point in pretending that any of that actually matters, and Democrats should use every tool they have to play just as dirty as the GOP. Honestly it would actually energize their base. The Democrats have more voters than Republicans, and if they actually acted like a real opposition party then they could hype up their base like the GOP is so good at doing.

  4. As well, Luke had the exact same power level growth in ANH and then again in ESB. In ANH he used a lightsaber once and then was able to divert a torpedo moving a thousands of kilometers per hour at a right-angle with incredible percision. In ESB he jumped through some trees and then was able to almost hold his own against Vader in a lightsaber fight. 


    Star Wars uses The Force as a plot device that lets the characters do whatever they need to, and fans should know that.

    • stepee 2
  5. I mean it's great that democrats might win a wave election this time, and possibly hold their seats and win the Presidency in 2020...but are they actually going to do anything with that power? The GOP seems to be effectively tearing down institutions of government and has won SCOTUS for another generation. Unless the Democrats plan to actually pass universal healthcare or a total ban on money in politics (and federal legislation that somehow bans gerrymandering at the state level legally) then America is just as fucked as it is today. The GOP spends its time tearing things down, and the Democrats spend their time holding things together, but not advancing. It should be the opposite where conservatives spend time slowing things down and then liberals advance.

  6. 2 hours ago, brucoe said:

    It's not just that. I suspect a lot of the problems of the Solo film were twofold: First, people were really pissed at Kathleen Kennedy and her attack on fans as some bizarre approach at serving the customers. When she did that, I just shook my head and said, yeah, that's gonna end well. Second, the whole allure of Han Solo is his mysterious background. That's the ONE character you DON'T want details filled in. People imagined his background, and they were happy with that. Any attempt to provide more information was going to get immediate responses, kind of like if someone decided to change any part of the story we do know about Solo, like maybe having the bad guy shoot first when we all remember him shooting first. Think of it this way. I always imagined that when Solo met Chewie, it was probably an awesome story. Seeing it kind of ruins it for me because I'm always going to assume it was a lot more awesome than Disney is going to make it.


    95% of people who see Star Wars movies don't even know who Kathleen Kennedy is, and 90% don't care about the details of movies. In the end it failed because:


    1) Less general awareness of the movie

    2) Not Harrison Ford and not mainline film in the trilogy

    3) Marketing didn't make it look interesting

    • stepee 1
  7. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Black-firefighter-on-inspection-duty-in-Oakland-13021084.php



    A black firefighter conducting city-mandated inspections around homes in the Oakland hills was reported to police and, on a separate occasion, questioned and videotaped by a resident who found him suspicious, even though he was in full uniform with his fire truck parked nearby.

    Several Oakland firefighters say the incidents raise concerns about safety and racial bias.


    “It’s extremely unfortunate,” said fire Capt. Damon Covington, president of the Oakland Black Firefighters Association. “From the outside, it certainly appears to be unfair and unwarranted. The fire service is a microcosm of the world. Racism exists in the world, and it exists in Oakland and everywhere else.”

    The unease comes amid a swirl of recent racial-profiling cases that stirred public outrage. In April, two black men reportedly waiting to have a business meeting at a Starbucks in Philadelphia were arrested after a barista called police, and in March, Sacramento police officers fatally shot Stephon Clark in his grandmother’s backyard.


  8. Just now, Jason said:

    A big part of the problem for European countries is that they expect you to completely drop your old identity and become simply French, or German, or whatever—they don't really have an analog of hyphenated-Americans. Whereas as long as you can interact with society properly while you're out in public we don't really care if you still retain large parts of your old identity.


    The reason the North-American model is great is because while you still retain your own culture in private, your kids will move another step closer (or all the way) to the standard culture. So by allowing people to integrate slowly, it actually fosters better integration long-term than by segregating people up front if they refuse too 100% assimilate.

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