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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 1 hour ago, 2user1cup said:

    I said it before and I said it again. If China wanted this all to end they would just close Ivaka and Donald factories. They don't. They ban his critics. We are all being played and some out there in the inner circles are making a shit ton off of this "trade war".


    CNN, Fox, NBC no one asks why - the multinational corporations are in on this steal.


    Well, certain corporations. They are picking winners and losers.

  2. 2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    It's to burnish her 'moderate' reputation, not to avoid the ire of Trump. She hopes that she can peel off the ~60k voters who voted for Trump in 16 that voted for her in '12. 


    If the Republicans can get the votes without her, there is literally 0 harm in her voting to confirm. So it kinda comes down to Collins and murkowski again


    There definitely is harm. How many Trump voters are likely to support a Democrat, even if she votes with Trump's initiatives 10 or 20% of the time? Now how many Democrats will sit at home and be unmotivated if their own candidate doesn't stand up to the worst administration in modern history? 


    Research has been pretty clear from the last decade that motivating your own base is more valuable than appealing to "moderates" on the other side.

    • Thanks 1


    Still, the city Board of Elections was set to certify Ocasio-Cortez’s write-in victory on Tuesday. A board spokeswoman wouldn’t immediately say just how many write-in votes Ocasio-Cortez received to defeat Serrano on the Reform Party line, but it wasn’t expected to be many.

    While write-in votes are not unusual, someone actually winning a race she wasn’t running for is.



    • Haha 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Nokra said:


    While what you say is true, the articles I saw said that this suggestion is essentially creating a tax on people with disabilities, as they are then forced to pay for something that most people would not. Sure, it's only a few cents (a 500 pack is $7 on Amazon, working out to $0.01398 per straw), but it's something.


    I need to look into it a bit more though to know for sure what exactly the law says, but in any case my impression was that people were very upset about this, especially since the issue of people with disabilities needing straws was raised and it still went through in Seattle, leading many to feel like their need wasn't heard, or worse yet, that it didn't matter to those making the decisions.  


    I mean yes, but it's also saving a tonne of disposable plastic waste. It's like saying that removing free plastic bags from stores creates a tax on those who can't carry 20 items in their arms at once. It's true, but the benefits outweigh the cons. And in the case of straws, the cost is so negligible as to be nothing. If it was adding $500 or even $100 a year to disabled people then I would think it's not right, but this is a few dollars at most, assuming they don't purchase longer-lasting metal straws for themselves instead.

  5. 5 hours ago, Nokra said:

    I've been seeing a fair amount of pushback on this (or more specifically on Seattle's complete ban on straws) on my Facebook feed from people who say that it's a misguided policy; trying to do something good for the environment at the cost of harming handicapped people that rely on the flexibility of plastic straws and are unable to use other types of straws due to them being a hazard. 


    It seems like there should be some middle ground.



    People who need plastic straws can bring their own with them, much like people who need anti-tremor spoons do the same. The actual need for plastic straws is incredibly small.

  6. The best part of the new trilogy is the Rey-Kylo-Luke dynamic. Since nothing will top the Empire in terms of threat (the best you can do is just copy it, like JJ did in TFA), I think they should have actually not had any galactic threat to begin with, and made the new trilogy almost exclusively about the family dynamic. Yes you'd need a few battles thrown in, but honestly the battles in the new trilogy have been really small anyway. I'm hopeful for Lando, but I'm worried we're just going to get a cookie-cutter ending that's even more predictable than RoTJ.

  7. I don't think we have an ongoing thread here yet about this. 


    Some news today: Michael Cohen's new lawyer hints that Cohen has incriminating evidence on Trump:






    I can see Cohen cooperating for the simple reason that a pardon from Trump won't solve his money problems, and we all know that Trump will never give him any money to help.

  8. 2 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

    Don't worry guys Musk wants to put them in a metal tube for hours, lol.




    It's actually not a bad idea. These boys can't swim (common in East Asia). The reason they are able to rescue them at the moment is because the water is so low (so they can walk most of the way). If the tunnels were still fully flooded, Musk's solution might be the best option. Give them Valium and then drag them out.

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