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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Has tap taken off in the US yet? Or is the US still implementing chip-and-pin?


    Almost all places here have tap now, which lets you use tap your card against the machine and then walk away. Kind of like Apple Pay or whatever, but universal across all banks, credit cards, etc. I think the reason why Canada is at the forefront of this tech is because all of the banks and credit unions set up the interac consortium in the 90s to create a nationwide non-profit system to handle bank transfers, debit cards, etc. And in Canada the vast majority of credit cards are actually through your bank (in cooperation with Visa or M/C, etc) so it transferred over to CCs.


    Also, do you guys have eTransfers? Here, all of the banks and CUs use interac eTransfer to send funds between banks. Most banks don't charge fees for it (a few charge $1 per transfer). How it works is that you just go into your app and send money to someone's email address with a password. They enter the password and bam, the money is instantly in their bank account, no waiting. It's like the modern version of a cheque. It's become the ubiquitous payment method for paying someone else securely in Canada. The government and banks are really pushing us to be cashless as soon as possible (along with removing the penny. Nickel will be next).


    As a wedding photographer, it's awesome to just tell people to eTransfer me the money. They can do it right in front of me, and then I wait for it to go through and we're good to go. 


    Basically, because of interac Canada has been able to avoid all the fragmentation that has occurred in the US. There's no point of even using Apple Pay or Paypal or anything else here since you can do all of that stuff instantly between personal bank accounts.

  2. 46 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


    I think in general card security is getting better.  The card companies must have some pretty good algorithms to identify suspicious activity, because my card was once frozen within a few minutes of a thief using it to purchase something for like $28.  


    Was it when they detected it was used to buy a box of condoms? "WARNING, UNEXPECTED SEXUAL ACTIVITY DETECTED." lol

    • Haha 1
  3. I'll be honest, I've never even checked my credit score. The only debt I've ever had is my two car loans (for $20,000 and $30,000) and then my Visa which has always been paid on time with the exception of twice or three times. But I'm also a white Canadian male from the middle-class, so I'm not too worried about it either way. If I need a loan I'll just put on a suit, shave, and walk into a bank.



    Trump is outright insulting May and saying one of her critics would make a good PM. This level of intervention is worthy of being asked to leave the country. Canada had a similar situation when de Gaulle came from France and was publicly in favour of Quebec separatism and said "long live a free Quebec," and it caused a diplomatic incident with the Prime Minister having to declare "Canadians don't need to be freed."


    May should tell Trump to fuck off. Is he meeting the Queen?

  5. 1 hour ago, Wild said:

    I don't understand the title, but the Americans has turned me into a big fan. She's got some real acting chops.


    The online Star Wars community has notoriously gone after female stars in the new trilogy, going so far as to harass them until they leave social media completely. The title is alluding to this, and that Keri Russel will be the next to be harassed. Obviously this doesn't represent all Star Wars fans...but it's a pretty toxic and anti-woman community compared to many fanbases.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

    I'm increasingly agreeing with this. I don't have much hope for Episode 9 being all that great, although I'm sure it will sell plenty of tickets. Solo really let me down hard, so I'm approaching all Star Wars material with extreme skepticism now. I think the best SW films in the future will be when Disney tries something bold and fresh with very few references to these films while still not turning into the prequels.



    Yeah. TFA was great when it came out because it was well-made and enjoyable, but it hasn't aged well. I think TLJ will age better (except the casino plot) due to the strength of the Luke-Rey-Ben story, and I'm still holding out hope that IX will be a solid ending...but I also know that JJ loves nostalgia and cliche stuff.


    My biggest hope is in Johnson's new trilogy, which I hope has zero ties to any existing characters. I'd be fine with it involving Jedis and all that, but I want an end to the Rebels vs Empire story.


    EDIT - I want to be clear that the ST so far is still much, much better than the PT. But it's not new, which is what kind of sucks. Luke is the only one that needed to appear in it, if anyone. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, Emblazon said:


    How so? They look fine to me. Just smaller... and now actual Twitter sized, not oversized. The themes don't separate between Twitter and Facebook--they all fall under "Other", so we can't have one set one way and the other set another, unfortunately. It's a similar conundrum to video embeds on desktop and mobile.:(


    Yeah now they are quite small, basically a little square.


    Honestly, I'd rather have twitter posts be larger (like before) and have the occasional monster-size FB post than keep it this way. We have twitter posts all the time, but FB is much more rare.

  8. The outrage was that the Liberal government started sex ed in Kindergarten, and conservatives flipped their shit. But it wasn't teaching about sex at all (that early), it was just introducing them to concepts like sex and gender. Then as they got older other things were introduced like orientation, and eventually intercourse and related activities (including safe sex). 


    This will eliminate any instruction on orientation, gender identity, and social media/web stuff. It's a huge step backward, but that's what the people of Ontario deserve for voting in a drug dealer.

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