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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. That's true...but the X-Men comics also exist in the same world as Avengers, etc. The trick with the MCU would be to show that it's not responsible adults like Steve Rogers with powers, it's random kids all over the world, and some arnen't using them for good. It's one thing to have a Spider-Man, it's another to have 500 Spider-Men everywhere. Unfortunately the biggest story they could use in terms of society vs mutants (mutant registration) was already used with the Civil War story line with the Avengers.

  2. A realization hit me today that the place I currently work is the most diverse workplace I've ever been in...and it's for the local Catholic School System (which in Canada is publicly-funded and separate from the Public system, but has the basic same curriculum). Of my 17-member team:


    Two are Filipino

    One is black

    One is Muslim (from Pakistan)

    Two are gay (one guy, one girl, with the guy being married with a kid)

    And most of the rest are atheist, it seems


    We are the IT team and handle all the development, hardware, and networking for the school system. While that breakdown may not seem that diverse if you live in NYC or something, for a small city in Canada that is quite diverse. Probably because it would be impossible to find a strong IT team that is all devout Catholic, lol.

  3. I agree that the X-Men don't really need to be rolled into the MCU fully (in terms of being a part of the Avengers movies, etc), but I think them being in the same universe is a good thing, and the occasional cross-over would be fine (much like the comics). The FF4 fit much better in the MCU though, I think. Having said that, I don't think the X-Men deserve their own universe. Have an X-Men series, the Deadpool series, and maybe X-Force (though honestly just keeping them in Deadpool 3 would be great). We don't need spinoffs for X-Factor, New Mutants, or any individual characters. In fact, I'd even sit out Wolverine for the first new X-Men movie. Just focus on the original 5 from the 60s.

  4. https://apnews.com/amp/f20b094d823b46a8b2edfc967d56de6b?__twitter_impression=true



    NEW YORK (AP) — New York City moved Wednesday to regulate the explosive growth of Uber and other app-based ride services with a temporary cap on new licenses for ride-hailing services.


    The City Council approved a package of bills that included a one-year moratorium on new licenses for for-hire vehicles while the city studies the rapidly changing industry. The legislation also will allow the city to set a minimum wage for app-based drivers.


    Backers of the proposals said both the traditional yellow cab industry and drivers for app-based services are suffering as Uber cars flood the city's streets. They said the growth of ride-hailing apps has also worsened traffic congestion.


    This is a good move. There is no doubt that overall, Uber's disruption of the taxi industry has been a good thing for consumers. But it comes with its own issues, and those need to be addressed through regulation. The main things I think are of concern are:


    - Lack of proper set minimum wage paid (which means drivers are responsible for costs of vehicle w/out compensation)

    - More vehicles on road when the better solution (long-term) is more public transit


    Or the city could just be getting ready to enforce Uber Medallions :p



  5. Maybe Rumsfeld and Cheney were from the future and knew that the wars were a mistake, but needed an excuse to get the American military ready to fight again for the coming war against the machines and/or aliens. Kind of like how the Napoleonic Wars turned the British army into an experienced fighting force so that they could come burn down the White House with ease.

  6. https://www.wsj.com/articles/disneys-profit-rises-23-but-its-costs-climb-too-1533677299


    Three streaming services:

    • Disneyflix - Family
    • Hulu - Adult
    • ESPN+ - Sports


    Possible bundles for people who want all three. Disneyflix (or whatever it will be called) will be quite cheap to start, "substantially lower than Netflix." No word if Hulu will actually come to Canada (or Disneyflix).


    Plans for Fox assets:

    • Fox Searchlight - Work exclusively on original TV series and movies for streaming services
    • Fox Film Studio - Work on blockbuster films exclusively for theatres, including X-Men films and Avatar
    • Fox TV Studio - Work on adult-oriented TV shows for FX and Hulu


    What worries me is the mention that X-Men will stay at Fox, and not be folded into Marvel. I would assume that Marvel/Disney will still effectively be called the shots, in terms of fitting the X-Men and F4 into the MCU, much like they've done with Spider-Man w/Sony (although to a greater extent in this case, since they actually own Fox). It also sucks that Searchlight will focus on streaming stuff. I hope they try to focus on quality, and not just make Netflix-level stuff.



  7. 35 minutes ago, BuckFly said:







    @XxEvil AshxX


    Most of you guys know that I am older...OK, most of you guys know I am old. Although I have a very young child most of my friends and relatives have teenage children.


    I am rarely amazed, because I am at that age where the world and life  just seem to be repeating themselves.


    However, I can't believe how big Fortnite is with the younger generation right now.  This is not to insult PUBG, or even anyone around here who prefers PUBG.


    The thing is it doesn't make a difference whether it is my friend's child down in Atlanta, or another friend's children over in Providence Rhode Island, or my nephews or my in-laws' children locally, or even my neighbors' kids right behind me...all of them have brought up in conversation with me (or I have seen it first hand myself) how big Fortnite is to their kids.


    Even if you cancel out my love of gaming or my membership on this Board I would still know what Fortnite is because it is so very present now that it comes up in random conversation with adults about what their children are doing.


    Again, no disrespect...but no parent brings up PUBG.  That doesn't mean it is not successful, and believe me I know it is still huge.  I may not play PUBG (I'm sorry, Keyser, my friend...I've just been squeaking time in lately for Madden as a break), but I still follow gaming, generally.


    It's just that now the gaming beast is being fed by a different master to the degree that it is permeating culture.


    In a word I am...amazed.





    Yeah it's huge, and personally I prefer Fortnite because of how well it runs and how smooth ir plays. I'm not a huge fan of the building element, so I typically make it to the final 10 or 5 and then die because everyone else has giant bases...but I still think it's fun. 50 v 50 is the best mode, and the one I can contribute the most in because I can help out with major attacks but I don't have to worry about building.

  8. Yeah you're supposed to use warp drive to travel between systems, and it takes 20 seconds. You need to follow the main mission to acquire your first warp cell. Then in the next system you get recipes for the stuff needed to make more. Follow the mission tips on the bottom-right side of the screen, and make sure to enable the main story as your mission in the mission log (press ESC and then go into Log).

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