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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 9 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:

    Right, but who's he going to testify against in exchange for the immunity? Or is this why Cohen plead guilty?


    I imagine he has evidence that Cohen and Trump made deals with Daniels using campaign money (after all, he bought the rights to similar stories from other women and buried them), and is giving it all to Mueller in exchange for immunity from his role in those deals.

  2. 3 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

    This is also a very strong reason as to why Cohen wasn't offered a cooperative plea agreement.  He's simply not credible.


    I think Cohen probably does have good stuff to give Mueller, but he can't be trusted so there is no point in risking any evidence on his word. Any electronic documents they seized from him, however, would be solid evidence and they already have that.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Chris- said:

    Speaking of which, I bought and used medical marijuana for the first time today. And man, it actually works! My pain is lesser in severity, and even the pain that was there didn’t bother me. I was not prepared for the high, though; it’s been about six years since I last smoked, and 1ish hit from a vape pen straight up zoomed me out. 


    Can you get CBD oil that has a more even balance between THC and CBD? That way you get less high.

  4. Here's the thing. Everyone wishes that their side would win forever and would be above the law (for the greater good) and that the other side would not. But historically (in modern history), both sides have also realized that the other side wins sometimes, so there is a need to protect the rule of law so that when the other side is more popular you don't go to jail for no reason (or get killed, etc). I think the issue is that right now, people are just really ignorant of history and the reason why things are set up the way they are, and so don't care about this. They want to see the other side destroyed and don't think about the consequences of tearing down norms to do so, as they are oblivious as to how this could affect them in the future (because they are dumb). People have always been dumb, but somehow the leaders of each side knew that this sort of system was needed to protect them. But now, the new leaders don't care because they are willing to harness the anger and stupidity of people to win, regardless of the future consequences.

  5. I feel for them, but I would bet the majority of the American suburban public (i.e. modern-day white land-owners) will shrug and say "they are criminals and shouldn't have landed themselves in prison if they didn't want to be treated this way."  Most white Americans probably view any treatment of prisoners as justified simply because they broke the law, regardless of what that law was.

  6. Thanks for posting these. It's interesting how historically these sorts of things are viewed as people seeking justice for wrongs committed by Presidents, but in reality at the time they were highly partisan. Nixon's impeachment (I think) is pretty universally viewed by the public as bipartisan now, but would likely have no happened had the GOP controlled all branches of government. Same with Clinton (with Democratic control). 

  7. 2 hours ago, mclumber1 said:


    What a dumb way to make abortion legal though.  Good riddance.


    I'll take practical rulings that allow people rights over the lack of those rights because of an obstinate congress. To use example by hyperbole, it's like saying that we should wait for Germany to legislatively change and retreat from France than to take military action. Sure, the first is better, but the latter is practical. The ends definitely justifies the means when it comes to people's lives if both sides aren't willing to agree to the same rules.

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