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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

    This is precisly what I said in previous BF5 posts. Also fuck the weapon upgrades in BF5,in previous titles you might get an upgrade that gives more accuracy with ADS at the expense of hip firing, BF5 just straight ups the dps with no negative to that.The hip firing seems to be carried over from BF1which I hate.


    Apparently hip fire is way less accurate now, and you can't tap to make it more accurate. The recoil is also more predictable now (as in the guns will always recoil in the same pattern, which means you can learn to compensate). This has been requested for a long time.


    I don't really get the COD comparisons except that the TTK is lower than before, but is something the developers have said repeatedly that they are trying to manage to keep it fun. Another reason that TTK is lower than previous titles is that you no longer regenerate health up to 100%, you only regen 30%. So if you get hit and then move on and can't find a medic or station, you can be one-shotted much more easily.

  2. 2 hours ago, atom631 said:

    In other words, you enjoy camping. And I can’t think of a worse MP shooting gameplay style.  There is nothing fun about hiding in a corner and waiting for someone to run past so you can shoot them in the back. It’s not challenging, it’s not satisfying and it’s not fun. 


    No I don't camp, I should re-explain myself. I play support almost exclusively, so I am on the front-lines resupplying constantly. But when I am defending a point I will not be running around, as movement is now the easiest way to be spotted. When attacking, it also makes sense to move and wait, and see if you can spot enemy movement. I don't stay in the same place for more than 15-30 seconds typically, but I make sure not to be needlessly moving around. 

  3. I'm finding the exact opposite, I love Rotterdam. This game isn't like BF1 or even 3 or 4, where you could run straight at the enemy and see where they are (from spotting) and be in the chaos. Now players move slower and people are harder to spot, so you've got to position yourself more slowly and think about hiding in the shadows, etc. I find if I just stay still near important points, it's much easier now to ambush people since it's harder to see still players. I also use less ammo since there is much less of it. 


    I also love being able to build fortifications, it's a huge game-changer for defensive positions. I agree that the TTK is high, but it only reinforces playing more slowly and carefully. I'm loving the changes. Also, I love changing the audio track to Wartapes. It compresses the audio and makes it sounds much more chaotic (everything seems punchier and more like a war movie).

  4. On 8/24/2018 at 12:30 AM, projectmayhem said:

    I'm going to start buying parts for a new pc soon. I'm only going to be using a 1080p monitor so I'm not really interested in all the new stuff. Would a 1070ti suffice or is it worth trying to get a good deal on a 1080ti?


    Edit: just saw the answer to this exact question in another thread. 


    Yeah even a 1070 is overkill for 1080p at 60hz, I would think.

  5. 7 hours ago, Mithan said:

    I am looking forward to it obviously (it is Bioware) however I am really worried they are going to fuck it up, like Destiny, where the game lacks any soul and it comes across as a marketing driven game in a lot of ways, sanitized and not much fun at the end of the day.  


    Hope it doesn't suck, because graphically it looks awesome but that doesn't mean fuck all these days.


    I feel the same way, it seems kind of generic and "cool."

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