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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 38 minutes ago, number305 said:

    Wow.  I knew they were making this show but I assumed it would be more in line with the original show or the old Archie comics.  The show looks cool but I wonder why they chose to associate it with the Sabrina property.  It seems to be a different thing.  


    I'm eagerly awaiting a dark Family Matters reboot where Urkel is really a serial killer.


    Apparently it is heavily based on the graphic novels which are much darker.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Chris- said:


    Plus, the slippery slope is more or less obvious. Could European teenagers be kept out if they admitted to legally drinking in their home country? What about sex workers from countries where prostitution is legal? I'm sure someone who is more legally informed could step in to correct me, but restricting entry on this basis seems like a huge can of worms.


    What about a person using universal healthcare, or admitting to voting for a progressive party? The US government can refuse anyone for any reason, as far as I understand.

  3. 1 hour ago, osxmatt said:

    I know we ask "can this administration sink any lower?" We say it so often, it's become an inside joke.


    This is different though. He's denying 3,000 Americans died. I wish I could write some eloquent rant about how shameful this is, but it's ineffable.


    Imagine Bush claiming that the not that only 300 or so people died on 9/11 because the people that died in the towers did so after the planes hit. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Brick said:

    Levelcapgaming put out a video today talking about some of the changes that will be coming based on feedback from the beta. Also says that the game may be 6 months behind schedule. Is EA rushing this game out the door in order to make a holiday release?




    Main takeaways on changes:


    - Toning down appearance customization (probably no prosthetic limbs) due to complaints about the trailer

    - Increasing brightness of holo sights

    - Increasing soldier visibility

    - Increasing starting ammo from 2 magazines to 3 (and you can carry 4 total if you get resupplied)

    - All players may spawn in with a one-time health pouch rather than needing to get one from a supply station (all classes)

    - Change keybind for self-heal for PC (holding 5 is hard)

    - Changing ammo-supply stations (unknown how)

    - Add points for throwing smoke grenades to encourage use

    - Add points for spotting with binoculars

    - Squad shares points from reinforcements

    - Better optimization

    - More nimble tanks being added

    - Adaptive UI system to more easily read text on backgrounds

    - Limb penetration system being added. So if you shoot through an arm into a head, it's still a headshot

    - Weapon pickup swap bug is fixed

    - Death screen is being tweaked so if you hold right-mouse for a revive and no one comes, you can respawn quicker from the screen

    - Faster bleed out system

    - Fixing revive bugs

    - Medics will get smoke grenade launchers

    - Option menu will get tweaks to be more clear

    - Adding manual leaning if toggled, potentially

    - Adding being able to spot when you are bleeding out, potentially (to warn others)

    - Adding server regions

    - Fixing profanity filter (filtering some normal words right now)

    - Add dragging teammates to the game (post-launch)

    - Post-launch vehicle customization

    - Rental server not at launch, no confirmation if it will come at all

    - Sea battles post-launch 

    - Will get training map post-launch

    - Co-op combined arms post-launch

    - 6-months behind schedule, launching before holidays anyway


    So lots of good changes, but the game won't be finished until spring, really.


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