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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 5 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


    Very difficult to do. 

    1 would require a Constitutional amendment because you are changing how long they serve a term for.

    2 is arguably impossible given the way the Constitution was written to protect the Senate.

    3 Would require a Constitutional amendment. 


    Simply expanding the House would require a bill passed by both houses of Congress and have it signed into law by the President.  



    Well yeah I'm just saying what should be done, not what will be. At this point the US Constitution is a religious document, not a governing one, and the US will collapse or change into a different state(s) before the Constitution is changed.

  2. 1 hour ago, SuperSpreader said:

    Why would it connect me to people I'm not even friends with on Facebook? Every time I spoke to people they'd go do research about what we discussed? lol



    america guy GIF




    Generally how it works is:

    1. You talk to someone about something
    2. Facebook (or Google, etc) knows that you were in the same location at the same time (or has access to your call history depending on permissions, etc)
    3. They know the other person searched for something
    4. They believe there is a greater chance you want the same info


    • Guillotine 1
    • Halal 1
    1. Expand the house to between 100,000-200,000 pop per rep, increase term to 4 years
    2. Eliminate the senate
    3. Change Presidential election to national popular vote

    Boom, you've got a working system that's pretty close to functional democracies like Canada or Germany or the UK. And yes, I consider the UK to be far more functional than the US.

    • True 1
  3. Obviously not a surprise:



    The Biden administration on Wednesday plans to accuse Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 US presidential election by using Kremlin-run media and other online platforms to target US voters with disinformation, six sources familiar with the matter told CNN.


  4. Okay so I was curious and did some playing around. Let's assume this is how the electoral map is redistributed for the 2032 election:




    Let's also assume that the swing states stay the same (ignore the EV values):





    Here is how that would change the GOP, DEM, and SWING states starting values:



    • GOP - 219
    • DEM - 216
    • SWING - 103


    • GOP - 230
    • DEM - 205
    • SWING - 103


    The Republicans start a lot closer to victory than they currently do, meaning the Democrats need to win by even larger numbers. Assuming the Democrats carried the blue wall states of WI, MI, and PA, that only gets them to 246 in 2032, as opposed to 270 now. 


    This means that the Democrats would also need to carry NV and AZ to win (274), or one of NC or GA (273).


    However, if the blue wall continue to trend Republican and flip by 2032 (which signs point to), then map gets very grim for Democrats. Let's assume 2032 has the following swing states (ignore numbers on map):



    In that case, the Republicans start at 272, compared to 263 today. This means that trading the rustbelt for the sunbelt isn't enough, the Democrats need to at least hold one rustbelt state, and win the sunbelt swing states. It's entirely possible the Democrats win the popular vote by 5-8% and still lose the election in that theoretical case. I think that Texas needs to be in play in 2032 for the Democrats to stand a chance at winning, and in that case it's Texas alone that decides the election, since either side could win/lose 3-4 states and not have it matter.


    Obviously other things could change as well, but I can't see many other options for new swing states that benefit Democrats. Plus if it comes down to Texas, you just know that the state legislature is going to change how their EVs are awarded to make it even harder for Democrats to win (e.g. the EVs are awarded to the winner of the most counties won, rather than popular vote in the state, etc).

    • Thanks 1
  5. Uh oh



    MANKATO, MN—Warning that if elected the candidate would show his sinister true colors, acquaintances of Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz alleged Tuesday that his ‘aw, shucks’ persona was merely a cover for his very real ‘gee whiz’ tendencies. “He may act all gosh-and-golly in front of the cameras, but the Walz political machine has […]


    • Shocked 1
    • Haha 6
  6. lol the only thing you need to know about a story is:

    • Anything except pure-bread humans are evil (to the Imperium)
    • But also many humans are evil to the Imperium based on whatever is convenient at the time for internal faction struggles
    • 100,000+ people will die in minor skirmishes (along with 100,000,000 civilians caught on the crossfire) between these groups

    Russia’s missile strike on a Poltava educational institution has resulted in at least 41 deaths and 180 injuries, with ongoing rescue effort…


    51 dead and 200+ injured in Russian ballistic missile strike on the city of Poltava. Two ballistic missiles were used, targeting and educational institute and a hospital.


    Federal prosecutors say a former deputy chief of staff to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has been charged with acting as an undisclosed agent of the Chinese government.





    A former deputy chief of staff to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul was charged Tuesday with acting as an undisclosed agent of the Chinese government, federal prosecutors revealed in a sprawling indictment.


    Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government before rising to the rank of deputy chief of staff for Hochul, was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband, Chris Hu, at their $3.5 million home on Long Island.


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