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Posts posted by CitizenVectron






    French authorities have arrested a Russian-speaking man in possession of explosives in his hotel room close to the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport on Monday, BFM television and JDD newspaper reported, citing unnamed sources.


    BFM, quoting a source familiar with the case, said the man had been trying to fabricate an explosive device. France’s DGSI intelligence service has taken over the case, it added.


  2. Europe needs to wake up



    Poland has arrested 18 people over the past six months on various allegations of pursuing hostile activities or planning sabotage on behalf of Russia and neighboring Belarus, and at least one...


  3. Just when you thought you were out...



    Hey everyone, We come bringing news of Patch 7! Finally, we hear you say - but don’t get ready to throw yourself into our next patch just yet, we’ve got a lot of work to do to bring you our first iteration of modding tools, evil endings, plus a whole bunch of fixes, quality of life improvements, and more that we’ll go into detail about in a future Community Update!


    Official mod support coming on the 1-year anniversary! Can't wait for the total conversation Star Wars mods, lol.

    • Hype 1
  4. Looks like 35+ long-range drones attacking targets in Crimea, along with Neptune missiles, Storm Shadows, and ATACMS. In the north, ATACMS and HIMARS are being used on Russian positions (only the latter on Russian territory). For reference, Neptune missiles are homemade Ukrainian cruise missiles designed for anti-surface ship operations. It was believed they didn't have any at the start of the war, but they clearly have managed to repair a bunch of them and build more. They were used to take out the Russian flagship a while back, but have since been modified to strike land targets.

  5. Last night Russia launched a very large missile attack on Ukraine, 100+ missiles/drones. Over 80 were shot down.


    Currently, Ukraine is launching a major drone attack on Crimea, appears to be in the vicinity of Kerch. Neptune missiles also launched from Ukraine.


    Yesterday it appears that Ukraine launched a series of strikes at an 8km long column of Russian armour inside Russia. They had assembled in Kursk and were headed in the Kharkiv direction. Ukraine took out the front and rear of the column at the same time, somehow (believed to be HIMARS and drones), trapping the entire column. Focused fire was then brought down on the entire thing as it scattered into the countryside. From Russian reports, heavy casualties.

    • Ukraine 1
    • Hype 1
  6. Big:





    Appears limited to the Kharkiv defense (where Ukraine is holding quite well, now, but still has been unable to attack Russians massing across the border), but hopefully it expands to include airbases and other military targets that are involved in air strikes. REALLY hoping it includes ATACMS use on airfields holding strategic bombers.


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