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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 2 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

    Someone saying it was celebratory gun fire pointed not high enough


    I think this is the only scenario where it doesn't win him the election. If a person was trying to kill him (and failed), then I think his polling is going to jump. Americans (and all people) love a sympathetic figure (as disgusting as he is), and nothing gets you more sympathy than almost being killed.

    • True 1
  2. I'm not super knowledgeable on the specifics of this ruling—is this a case of ACAB (or, more accurate, all prosecutors are bad) where they held evidence until the trial (thus making his defense harder), or was this a move by the judge to basically acquit him without it being fully justified, but still technically justified because the entire trial was a publicity scam for the prosecution?

  3. Doing another BG3 playthrough after a few months off. This time I'm going full dice-roll, with no save scumming or reloads (unless I game over). Also playing a generally neutral evil character who has a soft spot for animals, children, and outcasts. So far I did save the Tieflings, but then I lost Last Light in, causing them all to die anyway, lol. Now I need to go to Moonrise and get some revenge.

    • Halal 1
  4. I actually like the vibe. CGI is a little rough in some places (expected, they did some big reshoots a few months back), but overall it looks interesting. Nice to see a Marvel movie that isn't about stopping a world-ending invasion. Unfortunately I expect the usual types to rail against the "wokeness" of the movie (I'm sure it will get review bombed massively). Not saying it will be great (Marvel has to re-earn my trust on their movies), but I'm cautiously optimistic!


    I do think they need to completely abandoned their soundstage/stagecraft process and get back to shooting in real locations, though.

    • Halal 1
  5. Just now, SaysWho? said:


    Exactly. If necessary, shift on Gaza since we know Netanyahu is a right-wing criminal. But the domestic side and helping to strengthen and expand NATO in the face of Russian aggression? Continue that legacy. Run on legalizing abortion rights with a Democratic Congress and protecting the nation from anything like Project 2025.


    Actually yes, it would give the Dems a change to pivot on a few things if she was at the top of the ticket (Gaza being the biggest to hold younger voters).

  6. 1 minute ago, Jason said:


    Kamala can run on his legacy as his VP. 


    And the single biggest thing that convinced me swapping in Kamala is the right call is all the Senate races where Biden is polling well behind the Senate candidate. Generic Dem voters staying home is gonna be way more consequential than some "I'm a solid Dem voter except I won't vote for a (black) woman" voters. Trump being stuck at ~47% polling points to this being mostly a Democratic enthusiasm gap. 


    Even if Harris loses to Trump, having her at the top of the ticket (with hopefully a swing state governor/senator) will help the Dems hold local/state positions, as well as senate/house, I think.


    But yes, I am now firmly in the camp that Biden needs to step aside for Harris to run. Maybe not step down as President (that would give more ammunition that Harris was complicit in his being unfit for office), but I don't know. Also, I don't think he should step aside because he is a bad President (he is far better than Obama...probably the best since Carter, to be honest), but because Americans care about vibe only at this point, and Biden I think will lose. It sucks for his legacy and ego...but there are more important things than that at stake.


    Earlier this year, US intelligence discovered that the Russian government planned to assassinate the chief executive of a powerful German arms manufacturer which has been...



    No biggie, Russia just trying to assassinate western CEOs. Probably should continue to limit Ukraine's munition use in Russia, otherwise Russia would be upset.


  8. 50 minutes ago, Jason said:

    Water turned off no notice in my apartment, unit downstairs from me needed some kind of plumbing work so the unit below and the unit above me all have our water turned off. My building manager said he knew yesterday evening this would need to happen and when I said notice would have been appreciated, he says in this exasperated tone of voice that he just didn't have any time to give notice. :silly: I'd understand if the unit was literally flooding and you needed to turn off the water to keep it from getting worse that you don't have time to give notice, but 12-18 hours in advance is more than enough time to send a fucking one-sentence email saying this will happen around XYZ time tomorrow.


    Depends on local laws, but that sounds illegal.

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