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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. From what has been leaked today, it appears this is basically what happened:


    1. Nancy Pelosi has been speaking privately for weeks, pushing people to slowly leak out reports that Biden should step down. Effectively told the campaign she would give them a few weeks to make the decision, or she would leak internal polling that showed Biden was dead in the water

    2. Biden's campaign ran polling in the swing states, some of them the first in 2+ months, and they saw the same thing

    3. Pelosi was going to (this week) publicly say Biden had to step down


    I dislike Pelosi quite strongly for how she's prevented new generation(s) from rising in the party, but it seems like she was the major push behind this. Not surprising at all that Biden's team hasn't polled some states in months, because we saw the same hubris from Clinton in 2016. I don't get how they can just suck so badly.

  2. We currently have no Infrastructure Manager in IT (also responsible for security) as leadership won't pay the position enough to attract good talent. We just fired the last person we hired during her probation as she basically lied about her skills. If we'd had crowdstrike...we'd be fucked. We are a team of 18 people and support around 8,000 windows laptops that we just reimaged and deployed into schools.

    • Hugs 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


    Yup, just pulled automatically in the background. Seems CloudStrike told some clients to just reboot their systems dozens of times until a fix was downloaded, but I don't know anyone where that actually worked.


    Many security apps are like this. AV definitions aren't normally vetted. This is especially true for logic engines in security suites. Think of these as machine learning tools for keeping systems safe.


    I'm more intimately familiar with McAfee's similar outage nearly twenty years. That one had their AV definitions accidently flag a Windows system file as bad which bricked Windows as soon as the AV quarantined the essential DLL. I'm also pretty familiar with Qualys.  I previously used Qualys for managing security and updates and their tools were automatically updated by DEFAULT. This is part of the problem. The reason I say it's expensive is because you'd need parallel hardware and companies already view IT as a net negative on corporate profits. You can't just test things on one virtual machine and call it a day. Have some physical database cluster? Well, now you need a second similar cluster. Have an entire virtual environment for your engineers? Well, if you really want to test things you need a complicated engineering environment. If you don't, you need to accept that you're not fully testing things and I've never met a CFO that was OK with funding partial tests that can't be guaranteed against.


    My cheap solution to this was always to push all updates off by a week and then pay attention to news reports about faulty updates. That's obviously not an option for everyone, though. If everyone skips their updates by a week then we're back where we started. Also, all of these companies tell you best practice is to stay updated and on time. If you don't and you get bit by a zero day during that update gap, it's your policy that caused the outage and you wind up with the full blame.


    It sucks, but that's how it is. I've personally gotten drilled by a CEO that was upset with me for updates that weren't installed per my policies even though we weren't negatively affected. Just big news about some zero day, randomly sees me walking by his office, calls me in and asks if we're patched to prevent this exploit. When he heard we weren't because those updates weren't scheduled to go out for another week, he really wasn't happy. Wasn't happy about it, but I ended up pushing an out of band update for just that one zero day and left everything else as is.


    I like my job, but working in IT often sucks.


    Leadership generally views IT as lesser-than, and also not required. Until they can't print a weird PDF.



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