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Posts posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 1 minute ago, stepee said:


    Today I learned this is indeed the rule in Japan!


    My province has the highest rates of drunk driving in Canada. In fact, our premier was arrested for a DUI when he was younger, and on a separate occasion killed someone in a highway accident. However he did not take a breathalyzer for that one, so he didn't officially kill anyone while drunk. 


    I don't even drink at all (never have, for any particular reason), but many people here consider me strange for it. Bumfuck Hicksville of Canada!

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Xbob42 said:

    Bro there's almost 0 chance I even read an unsolicited text, let alone respond to it.


    Unfortunately for my job, I need to order a lot of things, and I use my personal phone for receiving shipping notifications (plan is covered by my work). So I unfortunately need to read every single fake shipping instruction and search the tracking number (in a browser) to see if it's legit. Most times they aren't.

    • Hugs 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



    If there were a campaign equivalent of criminal neglect one rally for the whole week in a Red +20 state that represents 3 Electoral Votes seems like it would qualify :lol:


    I would say Trump should have his campaign staff shoved out an airlock but we all know nothing dumb happens in that camp that Trump isn't at least 95% responsible for....


    Hey, Montana is now worth 4 electoral votes!


    The primary reason for the delay is rather surprising.



    So apparently one of the big issues is that the capsule that is currently docked to the ISS is not able to be undocked remotely, and instead requires manual undocking by a human inside it. So they can't undock it and let it burn on entry.

  5. His biggest liability is that he has the slick haircut and general style of a used car salesman. But he is a very good speaker and likely gives a bump in PA. Will he be a drag on some young progressives? Yes, but I think that can be dealt with with some immediate and strong statements. Like Wade said, the harder thing is the SA that occured in his office, and was "covered up" (settled).

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