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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Ok I've now realized there is like a storefront page for these streamers, but everything else I said is still true.
  2. I was randomly browsing the Amazon homepage when I came across Amazon Live, a streaming platform which is a cross between QVC and a Potemkin village. There's no identifiable profile system - the streamers have names and are called 'Amazon Influencers' but they don't have any kind of dedicated page, and you can give yourself a name in chat but you can change it every time. Of course there are links to all of the products - both those the streamer is actively talking about as well as stuff in the background, which includes incredibly random stuff like stand mixers and electric toothbrushes. The view counts vary, most only have a view dozen viewers, and the most prominent ones seem to top out around 1k, and the lack of chat activity kind of calls into question how truthful that is (it also betrays the fact they pay people to post in the chat to give the allusion of human activity). This shit is wild. I don't understand who this is for, or how it is actually making Amazon any money. It's the most astroturfed bullshit I've ever seen, and Amazon has already set a pretty low bar for those kind of shenanigans given the stuff they've pulled previously. They have the underlying tech with Twitch and I'm sure these 'influencers' aren't getting paid that much, but I don't know how anyone could be fooled by this or actually captivated by the content.
  3. Not only did I watch technical footage, I publicly complained and denigrated the developer. The game is so bad looking it turned me into you!
  4. I watched the Digital Foundry video and I can’t fucking do it; the comparisons to other Switch games (especially Arceus) absolutely sent me. By no means am I a performance whore but I can’t abide that garbage, it’s atrocious. It’s still going to print money but I’m sure there are some Nintendo executives who are not happy with The Pokemon Company right now given the PR hit Nintendo is taking for this.
  5. I don’t necessarily need great textures and high polygon counts and fancy effects but I can’t handle shit like pop in, draw distance, poor rendering, janky animations, stuff like that. The game looks like an Alpha build in those regards.
  6. There’s been a fun novelty to it but ultimately it has to move back to the summer; it fucks with domestic schedules, and there are so many other sports in season that it steals some of the attention from the tournament (whole days worth of matches relegated to cable networks because of the NFL).
  7. Zimmerman was getting attention from Bundesliga clubs but opted to stay home for personal reasons; Jesús is still young and has potential but ultimately is only in because of Sargent’s fitness, he’s good depth but his play isn’t indicative of the overall quality of the team’s best possible XI.
  8. We absolutely do, we feature multiple Champions League caliber players who are very early in their careers.
  9. This team has proved it is athletically capable of playing with the big dogs; the question was always whether or not it was mentally prepared. This was always going to be a tough game, so now is time for them to prove that they are ready for the moment.
  10. I still have my OoT and Majora gold carts, I’ve been thinking of getting them framed in a shadowbox since there’s no sense just letting them sit in a closet.
  11. Ah man I only just realized Switzerland and Serbia are going this afternoon, going to be a whole lot of fired up Albanians on the TL.
  12. Sounds like peripheral neuropathy, join the club buddy (it sucks).
  13. November Employment Report Shows U.S. Economy Added 263,000 Jobs WWW.WSJ.COM Jobless rate remains at 3.7%, signaling continued strength in the labor market
  14. Definitely gonna bite the bullet if/when most of the jank is patched so hopefully that does the trick.
  15. Why Not U.S.? | Defector DEFECTOR.COM By securing a point against their English rivals and then advancing out of a tough Group B, the United States men’s national team has already met expectations. Now it is time to surpass them. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOO
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