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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. A bunch of different stuff…Notable stuff was a Timbuk2 bag from my wife, a cool little knife from my father in law, and a ton of books from various people. My gifts all went over super well, because I am an excellent gift giver.
  2. Cozied up in the neighborhood brewery for a few, then got burritos on the way home so I’m making it through just fine. 👍
  3. Christmas Eve has two traditions: exchanging books (stole the idea from an NPR article) and Chinese food for dinner. We will also at some point (whether or not on Christmas Eve or Christmas) watch Spirited Away and listen to the Truman Capote recording of ‘A Christmas Memory’.
  4. It’s -2 here with a windchill of -25. Power keeps flickering (it was off totally for about 2-3 hours this morning) and ice formed inside on my patio door (which is also frozen shut).
  5. Luthen's speech and the manifesto are two things I never could have imagined could be written in a Star Wars story, and both actually moved me emotionally!
  6. I finally just finished it, and it honestly might be my favorite show of all time. Everything about it was enthralling...The look at what everyday life would be like under the Empire, the look to their bureaucracy and police state, the moral ambiguity of rebellion, the spycraft, introducing literary/political theory into the lore, the acting, the set design, the costume design, the writing, the score, the cinematography, every single element elicited nothing but the utmost glee. I'm sure a professional critic could level valid criticism to one or more portions of the show, and my counter to that would be fuck that noise, this show absolutely ruled. It's trite to call it 'Star Wars for adults' but it well and truly is, and I loved every second of it.
  7. My man it is possible to simultaneously (1) be riveted with how incredible it was from an athletic standpoint and (2) bemoan the bullshit/tragedy it involved.
  8. Also that match just cost Real Madrid probably another €50 million on Mbappe's transfer fee.
  9. I’m still riding a high off of that match, what a thrilling finish to a classic tournament (even for the USMNT, a young team that took a big step forward). Sad that it will always be tarnished in some respect.
  10. Cristiano Ronaldo: New Documents Emerge in Rape Allegations WWW.SPIEGEL.DE Cristiano Ronaldo continues to make his fans happy on the field. Off of it, however, things aren't looking so bright: A woman has accused him of raping her in 2009, and there is an extremely sensitive...
  11. Glad that the Messi or Ronaldo/Rapist debate will finally be settled in 30 minutes or so.
  12. France has been dealing with some kind of illness going around and it shows, they are so listless.
  13. Oh I’m pretty sure we know the answer to that question lol
  14. Doesn’t surprise me that Farrell is the standout given how funny he is during In Bruges; even to this day I’ll occasionally think of his line deliveries (especially with the tourist) and chuckle.
  15. I’d argue that even from a collectivist standpoint the halo effect from limitations on personal agency is still a net negative.
  16. Yeah, I told her from the outset it was her decision and that I didn't care either way.
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