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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Went 6/6 on the latest two, bet a lot of streaks broke the last two days.
  2. They had a good holiday IPA but all of the dessert stuff they brewed was complete ass.
  3. Platform? Not surprised, the beer was bad and they expanded way too quickly. At least they got their AB InBev payday.
  4. From a personal standpoint I definitely bought into some of the 'nice guy' bullshit when I was in high school...It never got incel-y or misogynistic, but it was still shitty. Thankfully I didn't carry that with me into college. Otherwise I've never had a bad take, because my political opinions are perfect and correct.
  5. Wordle 612 3/6* 🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. I will never forget when Trump publicly declared the GOP’s attempt to repeal the ACA as ‘mean’.
  7. I just preordered Diablo IV so I can get early access to the beta. Can't wait.
  8. Wordle 609 3/6* ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  9. Search for malpractice firms in the area and submit inquiries to them. If it sounds worthwhile they will contact you for more information, and up until any potential settlement/judgement it costs you nothing (though they will take a sizable chunk of it).
  10. The game was pretty good but in terms of excitement and intensity it paled in comparison to the World Cup Final.
  11. I'm saving this for when I have some more free time in late March and I can't wait.
  12. @thedarkstark you are the winner! I'll PM you the code.
  14. Since my old PS5 refused to play The Last of Us Part I, I decided to buy a new PS5, but I had to get the Ragnarok bundle (and I already own the game). Post here if you want to be considered for it - RNGesus will make his decree later tonight.
  15. Not really. All told this will only put me out around $200, and I’m risk-adverse enough that is a price I’m willing to pay for better dental health.
  16. No. They gave me a topical numbing gel, then shot me up with the strong stuff…About two hours later the numbness has mostly gone away. It’s not too bad, I’ve definitely had worse dental experiences. January, which was my first trip to the dentist since before the pandemic…Some of my pockets were 3-4 mm, so that in combination with some plaque they saw on the X-ray led to their suggestion.
  17. Basically scraping off plaque that built up under my gum line; it’s meant for people who have (or are on the verge of having, in my case) more pronounced gum issues.
  18. I never really played the original Prime so I am quite excited about this, especially since I loved Dread (which other than playing a few hours of Super Metroid is the only game in the series I ever played).
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