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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. I am never speeding for the rest of my goddamn life. The wife and I took a trip this past weekend to a B&B in a little rural town we like, and one day on our way back to it she *really* had to go to the bathroom...It was a flat, straight road with almost no traffic and no lights or intersections, so I booked it to get back sooner; ended up going right past a state trooper who nabbed me going 82 in a 55. I'm not bothered by the fine (I obviously made a mistake), but it carries license points, so I want to plead down to a lesser charge that does not. So far trying to do that has been a tremendous pain in the ass. I immediately reached out to the only lawyer in the town, who couldn't represent me because he is the county DA; despite that he said he would put in a word with the officer to see if she would issue the lesser charge (called a 3111 in PA), however she declined. So now I have to call the court to see if I can appear via Zoom, find another lawyer (no small task given the dearth of lawyers in rural PA), or drive 3 hours to represent myself. This is only the second traffic citation I've received in 17 years of driving (with my first and last one occurring 16 years ago), and pleading down like this is an incredibly common occurrence, so it's frustrating that I need to jump through so many hoops. Oh well, my own damn fault.
  2. Chris-


    I can throw in $25, I’ll send it later tonight.
  3. I’m not on the team that’s working on it but from what I’ve heard yes, there has been a noticeable dip post-COVID. Some of it has been attributed to the effects COVID had on our educational/medical systems (e.g. there are probably parents who - for one reason or another - haven’t kept up with their kids shots), but it’s alarming enough that they are desperate to get a campaign in to market.
  4. One of my agency’s clients (a state health department) is already running campaigns to broadly promote vaccines because they are seeing distressing trends when it comes to more established vaccinations.
  5. 'Don't Dream It's Over' by Crowded House has been stuck in my head all weekend. Banger.
  6. Every answer he gave should have come back to an assertion of Fox News’ First Amendment rights. The fact they didn’t is borderline malpractice on his lawyers’ part.
  7. Murdoch Acknowledges Fox News Hosts Endorsed Election Fraud Falsehoods - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM The conservative media mogul made the remarks under oath last month in a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox by Dominion Voting Systems. Home boy seems to be super confident and I'm not totally sure he should be.
  8. Here you go! Don't Miss Vinyl Sticker — Matt Bailey BAILEYILLUSTRATION.COM Individual vinyl sticker with ‘Don’t Miss’ design, maximum length 100mm.
  9. Whenever I'm walking I always keep an eye out for Nazi stickers and rip them down if I can. My wife ordered 20 of these to counter-program when appropriate:
  10. Still playing flip cup at your advanced age???
  11. Used a seam ripper to take the New Era makers mark off my hat, feels good.
  12. A good cup of coffee and watching some morning fútbol does the soul some good as well.
  13. Best treat is when you get a milkshake and they give you the chunky leftovers in the big metal cup. I only order milkshakes when that comes with it.
  14. Part of me will miss the slow pace but it’s going to be fine.
  15. I saw some analysis that said the Wagner units which captured Soledar are incredibly vulnerable right now, so that is something to keep an eye on.
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