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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Given the article only mentions 'one of the turtles', is the identity of the last remaining turtle a significant plot point?
  2. @Joe’s recommendation has led to Valentina black label being my preferred hot sauce for Mexican. Hot Ones The Classic is a great table sauce (their new Chili Maple version is great for breakfast), as is Los Calientes. Also love Double Comfort Blues City.
  3. I think we are similar ages and I have more or less the same experience/feeing, but I do think its context as a translated Super Sentai makes it interesting as an adult. I won’t watch this new thing, but I generally appreciate what the franchise accomplished.
  4. One of my favorite Pitt teams ever. No quit in ‘em. Sucks it had to end here but given what was expected of them this season it’s hard to complain. The twins need to pack on some weight this off season.
  5. What a great tournament so far. Between this and the World Cup I feel spoiled with incredible sporting events.
  6. It is clearly designed for a controller. The movement feels really good...Because of how they designed the dodge it kind of feels like Hades, albeit slower.
  7. I’m really enjoying it so far. The gameplay is much less twitchy than Diablo 3 (not that I disliked how quick D3 felt), primarily because dodge is no longer assigned to the right stick and is instead on a cooldown. The graphics, sound, atmosphere, and story are all great so far. This game’s got the juice.
  8. They got a natty though, I’d take that trade every day.
  9. My man once you hit your 30s (if you aren't already there) the importance of fiber will come into sharp clarity.
  10. I'm pretty sure that's the most popular 5/12 pick this year.
  11. He'll just keep denying his usage of 'Meatball Ron' to use it in a roundabout way. He absolutely knows how funny it is and doesn't intend to hold back, he just wants the deniability.
  12. No, they just had bad projections. Sounds contrite but it's true: Silicon Valley Bank Closed by Regulators, FDIC Takes Control WWW.WSJ.COM Some tech startups had been rushing to transfer money out Never get high off your own supply.
  13. Me three. I just like listening to vinyl, don't really care if it sounds 'better' or not.
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