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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. If you think Republicans would ever vote for that, then you've been huffing turpentine. Right-to-work laws are deliberately designed to strangle unions. This is no different than the Post Office's fiscal woes as a result of their legal requirement to pre-fund retirement health care, a law that Republicans will also do nothing about (because then they can't cite the Post Office's deficit as they try to privatize it).
  2. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/27/supreme-court-deals-blow-to-public-sector-unions-678819
  3. Depending on how you play, not really. If you get into the PvP scene for each game, it's a pretty deep dive of fight clubs, tournaments, and gank squads. There are also dedicated PvP arenas. A battle royale mode really wouldn't have been out of context.
  4. They sent someone out yesterday to replace the outlet (he's on the maintenance crew; no clue if he has traditional electrical training), so I'm going to wait to see if I hear the noise again before escalating. And I decided I'll use the extension cord for the air conditioner; it was explicitly marketed for large appliances (including air conditioners), so I'll just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't overheat.
  5. Winged Victory of Samothrace Statue of Freedom The Motherland Calls
  6. Spain, Italy, and Greece are horrifically racist. And don't even get me started on slavs...
  7. The background is that I live in a very old rental unit (100+ years old) with no A/C, so three years ago I bought a stand-alone A/C unit for my living room. It was plugged into a grounded outlet on a 15A circuit with my entertainment console (more on that later), and for the first summer I didn’t have any issues. The second summer, one day the breaker tripped when the compressor came on. I called out an LG (manufacturer) tech and he took a look, and he said everything should be OK; in his opinion the circuit was large enough for the A/C, and the power draw of the entertainment center shouldn’t be enough to cause any issues. Probably just a one-time thing. This summer, the third, some things have alluded to a much bigger issue. A few weeks ago I heard a loud crack/snap noise, but didn’t think much of it because I couldn’t tell where it came from. Then, this past Friday, I heard it again distinctly from the outlet. A cursory Google search indicated that it was likely an arc and/or a sign that the insulation was compromised, and that it posed an immediate fire risk. So I unplugged everything, turned off the circuit, and opened up the outlet. Nothing seemed to be wrong, however I’m not an electrician, so obviously I could have missed something. So I put the outlet plate back on, decided to get a 14 gauge extension cord to plug the entertainment center into another outlet, and I plugged the A/C back in. For the rest the weekend I didn’t hear the noise again, however this morning I heard it again when the A/C wasn’t even running. So I unplugged it, turned off the circuit, and called my landlord to report the issue. However after that I discovered something I had no clue about...The refrigerator is hooked up to the same circuit, even though the outlets are on opposite walls. I’m kind of at a loss as to what to do here or what to ask. Any general advice or suggestions would be welcome, but some off the top of my head... Am I correct to assume that the A/C and fridge can’t or shouldn’t share the same circuit? If my landlord claims everything looks good, can I trust them or does the noise (and its potential causes) warrant escalating the issue? If they tell me I simply can’t have the A/C on that outlet because of the refrigerator, can I use the extension cord instead? It’s 14 gauge and explicitly marketed for large appliances, but I’ve also read a lot about how it’s not a good idea to use an extension cord for air conditioners.
  8. But there have also been studies indicating that fat shaming makes people fatter and adversely affects weight loss efforts, so it’s not as simple as ‘body positivity is bad’. Moreover, the conclusion doesn’t follow; surveying someone’s perception of their weight against their actual weight doesn’t test the affect of a social movement, it just tests their self-perception. The researchers are assuming that their perception is dependent upon the movement, which isn’t how research works.
  9. Honestly not much...I'll probably get Red Dead Redemption 2, and a Switch + Breath of the Wild + Super Mario Odyssey is on my wish list, but I have plenty of games I haven't gotten through yet that I'd like to put some time into (Horizon, God of War, FFXII Remaster, The Witcher 3 DLC). So I'm not looking forward to much.
  10. Congratulations, you have now gotten further in the game than @Man of Culture
  11. No, the cannot. But they absolutely can be denied a march if there's compelling reason to believe it was pose a risk to public safety. And when your last march resulted in violent protests and homicide, well...
  12. I honestly never even think of sales tax; I always just assume it's going to be added to the transaction (even though in PA certain things aren't taxed), and I couldn't even tell you when Amazon began collecting it. If I'm buying something, the additional 7% isn't going to change my mind or really affect how I view the transaction. I think the only time I really gave a shit was when I bought my car (because for whatever reason I wasn't anticipating sales tax would apply to a vehicle purchase).
  13. Dark Souls Remastered. Obviously a great fucking game. Novigrad is one of my favorite areas in a game ever, enjoy my man. Do every quest you can.
  14. Looks like my reputation didn't make the cut, RIP in Peace to my tremendous rep:post ratio.
  15. Chris-

    Got a new job

    How's the move affect your mom?
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